Think of this version (until I edit it) like a notepad.
TX bursting is an option you'd think people would want to enable,
But it is a "Legacy" option from when you were kids and the internet was 1Mbps and no one heard of "Streaming" yet, and "Net Neutrality" wasn't a thing yet.
O, you want "Bombastic"?
OK, it's for 802.11g and the gang, not AC/AX/Be, although sure as hell they could change this. But on my current router, it's dead, bury it.
(unless and until I have a better link, this one should do)
Train of thought on a router-improvement page. I never found "QOS" anyway, but the game section mentions it, I think. |
I scored "D."
After hunting briefly for "QOS" I read that it doesn't work anyway.
"Adaptive QOS" is in the game section, but...I left it alone.
QOS generally (in my tiny experience) just slows stuff (speed tests) down,
And, my speedtest at dinnertime was already slow at
waveform (
that's the name of the site, which mostly sells networking equipment.)
"Speedtest" was a little slower than my 4AM normal, but not by much
(925 vs a best day 940)
Plus it's tough reading that speedometer, does it mean anything or is it mostly decorative?
If it's meant to be taken literally, then my speed does little "jumps" like a car misfiring occasionally. The very tail-end of a typical test is way faster than the beginning. The middle jumps up higher instantly sometimes.
905-to-915 (etc) and the end might jump DOWN slightly.
This is confusing.
Did some large person block my cell-signal, did a car drive away, or are you all reading Musk's posts right now?
5AM-9AM are the best times, unless everyone else thinks so too and floods the damn channel with speedtests.
Regardless, I wonder what, besides speed, affects bloat.
A setting? (OMG, is a setting wrong? Another sleepless night ahead)
Is it distance? It's distance, isn't it.
(Or how about some inane setting like "Throughput Acceleration"???
It's in the next section)
My wi-fi NIC is Qualcomm, my Router is Broadcom.
So the option in device-manager-Advanced, "Throughput acceleration"
needs more study, but (BIGgie guess) it should be disabled.
It's too mysterious and undocumented.
(In Primetime-internet, Speedtest doesn't care)
On the other hand....
Anything that
Google can come up with, is, DNN at the edge (of something)
And, multi-frequency---browsing...the internet using two different hotspots,
But I doubt it's either of those.
I'm gonna enable it again, even though I doubt it actually works (because I do not have the right setup)
AMPDU-RTS is another mysterioso setting people claim is related to fragmentation of packets (which are usually never fragmented so Yada-RTS isn't needed, but it sounds like they're talking out of their butt)
More generally (People say,) it's related to highly congested bands (like 2.4ghz)
or (alternatively) they say it's related to legacy 802.11g.
Quien sabe.
RTS=Bad, M'kay? It asks permission to send on it's own channel (or maybe that's a CTS) OK nevermind.
You can't ping like in ancient times, servers get pissed.
ANd it's usually not done to run speedtests on every piddly setting because Then
the speed is strangled+shaken to death ("throttled")
so best-guesses based on some-guys-said-things (AKA rumor and innuendo)
are all I have.
Having said that, turning off RTS does not seem to have done much, speed-wise.
The VCI who? (o shit) |
DHCP option 60 is great, don't use it! (whut?)You (I) (OK nevermind) *People* might certainly hate their freebie router and buy another router for the ass-end of the router (are we clear?) but when you put two routers together like that, shit happens.
I still have to do an excavation in search of MTU size, which (inexplicably)
is 1480. Yes, 1480 (FOD, pontificators)
No "MTU" for You!!! |
A couple updated notes: The "HIDE SSID" is hidden, I can't find it anymore (it used to be right underneath "Enable radio")
MTU was never there
Hidden-SSID *moved*,
And Group-Key-Rotation-Interval is lost at sea.
No tests on whether MTU size makes a whit of difference to a speedtest.
I mean, it *should* make a difference, you'd think, but maybe on slow routers
Missing so far: Setting the clock with no internet,
If it's so easy, why make you have to code it in a separate program?? |
I wonder idly about Radius servers.
Every 1984 nightmare come true. I guess I'll pass. |
No server here, no business.Being invisible and boring to hackers sounds easier,
but I was still wondering.
Is this a trend, a fashion-choice, or are hackers as eveil and unstoppable as they say (or is that marketing)?
Trump + spyware, is sort of an inevitability, or they want you to buy something (I'm not sure) Just give us your email to read more.
I don't block a damn thing, it's built in, (and besides) If I want your opinions I'll just watch your spokesman "Lindsey Graham" |
*I* can choose a password as well as any cloud-server, but I don't do certificates.
Very dated arguments that seem to point to Asus using (or used, a long time ago)
dns-rebind protection, greatest thing since sliced bread, but it kills stuff.
(Or so I've read)
Reading a history-of-world bombastic site, you usually fall into a big sinkhole of security measures that might not work very well.
For example, JavaScript, long painted as evil and pernicious, is necessary for banks, and for this site.
If you are reading (editing?) this, you've enabled JavaScript somewhere.
DNS Rebinding is like that, so keep it on a very short (hopefully) list of iffy things you should definitely try, unless something breaks.
The (possible) Reason to turn it off: an internet lightbulb or a cat-toilet.
If you basically have no network at all, (just you and the browser) I can't see the harm of disabling, not being a bright-bulb college kid. But they prolly have ways to make me talk, so IDK.
(Cookies, location, *precise* location, and those are the *legitimate sites*)
Wireless MAC Filter
I choose to accept specific people, and hope the router has enough sense to reject everyone else, but prolly not.
Gurus hate this feature anyway and say it's useless.
Well Fine, whatever.
Actually, After I chose to accept my own rig, it rejected it and I could not get back on with the PC set to "wireless."
Turning the filter off accepted my PC again, then of course It works.
I just had one teeny thing set wrong.
The list rejects the MAC addresses,
because they're off by one byte.
Numbers (when discussed by smart people who talk funny)
are read backwards, LSB to MSB, and my LMSB (byte-group) was different,
(Between the purported MAC and the actual MAC it was using, (stop laughing!)
I'm not advanced enough to know which is which, I just know I'm unlucky enough to choose the wrong one for my MAC-Filter authorization-list.
The MAC-address that it likes, doesn't actually exist in any windows or router table, but if you're smarter than God (stG?) you can decode the mac you have, modify it to fit societal values.
Or I got lucky and picked it from some log, IDK.
Which is fine, whatever, but only just now did I find a combo it likes,
two mac-addresses, ONE of them making everything work.
I can't show you the actual macs, but two different logs say two different MACs.
The AA-one and the AB one (the example below explains it more)
I need a better link but "MLO" might be something that My card or my Router initially tries when hooking up the card.
AI Was all talky and too long to quote, and Now it's a clam. (
Skip the history-of-mac-addresses, forget the math.
Eventually (with the two together in a list) it picked the right one.
If the quote is gospel (because he's parroting a book)
the "Locally administered" bit seems to be getting messed with.
"Locally administered" by who?
In an authorization-table, A person might need to add both the actual MAC and the "Locally administered" one. (But I'm conjecturing) |
This useless bit wasted an entire afternoon,
and I still don't know "even" from "odd" in hex
I belong to the church of Unicast (I think)
*But so does the wrong MAC-Address!!!* (fac!)
Biggie red-herring, this.
Making no difference (to him) doesn't mean it couldn't make a difference sometime, and will a person remember to toggle it again?
(Out of all the ten-zillion settings?)
Speedtest, what do you think? (If there's a difference, it's too close to call)
Movies, what do you think?
(I'm totally slaughtering my allowance but I'll edit this if it really matters)
Same-ol' "It works (unless it doesn't) YMMV" |
An added on note:
A freebie streaming service called "" is letting me stream a TV episode, no commercials yet.
One of my really obscure settings causes the very occasional blip in the feed, like I lost the signal for a second or two.
Biggie Blip, then a teeny one,
way minutes later.
I prolly won't ever have an answer, but I am noting it in this log.
If only readers could/would comment.
Maybe blipless movies don't exist, or I touched something, I don't know.
O. It might have been a commercial.
They're showing one now: (teeny blip) commercial.
Also, sometimes they mumble and subtitles would be excellent.
but the episode I just watched only had subtitles in Vietnamese.
I think I already wrote that neither Samba nor FTP work in "image backup" for me, but that could just be a wrong setting. They set up, they transfer stuff, backup starts and looks happy, then it errors out around 10 minutes into the mission.
My android phone used to take a long time to connect on another router, and then it seemed you could count to "10" slo ly, and have it connect nearly instantly (it didn't sit there checking stuff)
The NEW router brought the phone back to slow connecting, although the PC didn't care.
I changed DTIM from the default "1" to an Apple-approved "3."
The next setting, "Beacon Interval," nearly no one tries to explain, but it's a fractional tweaker of the standard (55, 100, 101, 106, etc) with 100 being the default.
Is the default good enough?
Like algebra |
He can't spell "manner" and there is no TLDR; unless "It depends" is a bottom line |
I might browse a factoid from a movie on a phone (e.g., do zombies eat meat on Fridays) but I'd never stream two movies, that's silly, unless I'm a cop surveilling something.
So believing this guy 100% would mean I'd never notice.
But another guy says the multicast-BSS (whatever) and disabling 802.11b
are helpful.
Helpful how?
802.11b does not do 6ghz (does it?) And I wonder if they
factor in "OFDMA" (these articles seem dated)
2 vs 24 (geez) |
"OFDM-24" it is, then. It'll take a month of furtive streaming (so as not to piss off T-Mobile) and *maybe* stream two movies at once, IDK, to make a value judgement. (damn torpedoes, balls to wall, whatever) |
I'd think 'better' is acceptable.
...I'll try Beacon-interval "200", leaving DTIM at 3, wait several hours and run a speedtest or stream something.
What these guys do NOT say, is,
Qualcomm vs Broadcom (or no difference)
and client vs another client (or are we going for happy-mediums?)
Today the PC took forever to connect, even though the phone was already connected.
I have no explanation.
Starting up my desktop wi-fi-monitor program-of-the-week kickstarted wifi almost instantly (it got jealous?)
Changing a zillion settings and then guessing which one messed things up, is prolly not the professional's way, but I'll totally guess my beacon interval being raised from 100 to 200 didn't help.
But then explain the phone being happy? IDK.
Says the beacon interval salesguy. (WHY have a virtual AP?) Fucket, if 400 is worse then I'll know (won't I) "VAP"??? |
"400" made it worse.
Since I don't use "MLO" nor have ghost channels on every band,
I'm changing it back to 100.
I'm too old for this.
400 totally kills Everything right now. Oh.
Taking time to write this paragraph at least got my phone back.
No such luck with the PC yet.
Starting monitor-program:. . . .
The wifi gods are PO'd.
AH! How long was that, 7 minutes?
It prolly has the unintended side-effect of hiding the network at least temporarily, unless an eveil hacker knows where you are and sits there waiting, hmm
It appears I actually (me, myself) set up "DNS over TLS" but I can't verify that on some status page, and I am no walking dictionary of obscure net-terms
I'm here, that's the bottom line (for now.)
Is some AI running in circles executing my convoluted DNS setup?
I wouldn't know.
(Should I add a second DNS? Prolly, but I'm afraid right now)
I'm off to read
DFS status: state IDLE time elapsed 0ms radar channel cleared by DFS none
is directly from the inscrutable log.
I've been approved for DFS (I *think* that's what it said)
DOH or TLS or??
So confusing.
DFS none could also mean, no DFS channels were cleared.
"Cleared" is sort of an eminent-domain thing (We don't like Hippies here)
But I don't want to put words in the router-log's mouth.
I use DOH because windows wants it that way.
One day they'll maybe use TLS.
I honestly do not know which is better.
VPN salesmen say "no." (OK I guessed) |
The truly evil use VPN's (I guess) not fancy-dancy protocols from Microsoft nor Asus, but then wouldn't NCIS/NSA/FBI/HS (*sigh*) Secret service, MI5, Mossad,
wouldn't they all focus in on VPN's? (linky)
I'd suspiciously eye ANY protocol insisting on using one single port to transmit covert data, it just makes surveillance easier (doesn't it?)
The truly lazy spy might just sit on one single port and read the news (or use "X")
another Linky)
Open text messages ("the grass is
green, the sunset is very
red"or a line or two in the endless Trump-jungle of news, uh,
"John, Mother is very ill. Please come home." might be better, blend in.
Not stick out like a neon sign on port 443.
Less than 24 hours after I Updated the Firmware, another new version was released.
- 34491, which was original, then
- 34508 which was yesterday,
- 37031, today
- 37038 (TBA)
Yeahbutt, do I need to reset-reboot-reset?
I did just that today, feeling overconfident, and lost everything dinky set up and culled from wise ones on the internet, so's I could start over with brand-new shiny-clean menus (The latest update changed them)
It's back, and over the next couple days I hope to bring the router's speed back up to its former glory.
If it isn't already. |
Tell me again why windows cares which version of Wi-Fi that you use? |
Trivial but: Disable offload, vs Enable Offload, The controversy rages on |
(Wi-Fi) Whatever. |
right this exact second's settings |
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