
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Ble-2, mu-mimo

 A footnote from Asus claims that to use "mu-mimo," both devices 
(the phone and a router, for example) must support it.

Yay, another book to read.
If you were designing a router wouldn't (shouldn't) it be automatic?

"Oh, you're Mormon? OK nevermind,"
But no, it asks me, like I actually read the damn book.

Notice the gray on black teeny print. Can you read it?
"Mu-Mimo capability requires both router and client device to support Mu-Mimo"
But that's not enough, o, no.
It asks (after that) if I want Wifi 7 mu-mimo, ul/dl, ul, or dl.
I wouldn't know. I don't really care.
I defer to the site "Speedtest.net" which doesn't talk much, it just says I'm slow and leaves me to guess why.
And all this was supposed to be about QOS and why/if it helps bufferbloat but slows down speed.
Speed, bufferbloat...I choose speed, damn the bloat.
Wifi sux and then you die

The rest of this might look pedantic, as I hack my way through the mu-mimo jungle.
Are they selling something or is it a tired haggard survivor of the jungle?
Facts are relative, after all.

Today's edit: "enable Nat" under ideal circumstances, should be "disabled", for several inscrutable reasons,
but it appears to kill the connection to lots of places (Google and company are exempt)
I'm typing this just fine, but I cannot go to Reddit, for example.
I can't fathom why. I'll enable it again and browse with blithe ignorance, or,
come back to edit this.
Blithe FTW. Enabling NAT fixed everything.
My puny brain's logic dictates that the wrong setting just won't work, but it DOES work, to a very limited degree.
So....? Jungle chock-full of acronyms or get generic and assign myself an IP address (But to the modem or to the router?) An $800 bridge, forums would Love that.
create static routes

Almost right. I HAVE internet, just not an internet anyone would like much.
A few sites (like NPR) worked. 
And I never found the router-status page (for stuff like the DNS it is getting from the modem)
I'm sure it's there, somewhere...
Click the secret-symbol on the Map page

It is a speed-thing, to me, not a server thing, nor a fancy way to get VPNs running.
I just figured, making the computer be all IPV6 would make the modem happier, but I shy away from making the behemoth-router into a bridge-AP. I could have probably paid less (although true AP's are really expensive.)
It's just a subject that gets kicked around in forums a lot, "Double NATting"
it doesn't affect but it does, great answer.
Live with what you cannot change (apparently)
This is not on the list but I'm adding it because it's repeatable.
My internet connection speed drops to a fraction (5/8? 7/16!) of what it should be,
when the test starts, and since I'm on the allowance-plan, I close the browser and hope the speedtest server gets the message.
Anyway, what fixes it 100%
is, unplugging-replugging the modem.

Silver lining: The speed returns and it doesn't look like it's the router's fault.
The "550" is much lower (MUCH lower) 
(I hear your "be grateful for that much" speeches in my head, stfu)

Posting results from my "Hint" program is not advisable, and redacting parts might make it useless for troubleshooting.
O, well.
I can't list the tower nor any ID's
so (to me) it's useless.
But the full-speed settings 
are here.
And later, when stuff slows, I'll paste the slowed-down settings.

The numbers look identical, and the only one looking different is "CQI,"
which is higher on the slow.
Whatever the program shows, from the official readings on the modem,
 is not the problem.
It's an unrelated setting I can't see (yet.)
I'd have to totally guess at this point, collision-avoidance or a power-saving technique, which do not recover, they just get worse.
I only read a part of that thread, but if it really is time related, I wouldn't mind so much, knowing it would come back to full speed at an appointed time.
My situation (so far) is slightly different, it slows and I need to reconnect the modem to the tower to get my speed back.
The thread I just pointed to has no solution, but the thread fits a pattern.
The people with the highest post-scores ask a lot of questions and dispense generic advice.
After reading a couple pages YOU could dispense advice, so they are like dust in the wind. Plus, the thread is two years old.
But what helped one guy (apparently) was replacing the modem.
He couldn't remember the hassles he had doing that, just a vague feeling of displeasure. 

The ghostly suggestion from a long-dead thread is, reduce MTU.
I did that already (on my PC)
(netsh int ipv4 show sub)

So I await doom or, it's Tuesday. 
Before I started googling all this I thought maybe it was a power-saving feature.
Very conflicting answers on MTU size (and these people exude confidence)
1500! 1420! 1480 (1452+28)!
So I defer to the bombasts in forums. 
Picky People wanted proof

Best guess: It's ALL wireless (from the tower to the modem) 
and stuff gets bumped around and slowed-down, Or,
I'm being throttled, I just don't know
The bottom line I think, is that I'll always have a certain amount of built-in latency.
I suppose I can try it, then un-try it.

Yay? (whut?) DNSSEC is disabled (cuz people said to disable)
but it works anyway (whatever)
or this is a fake page.

(I guess.)

Experts get this stuff wrong, what hope do I have?

Flip switches and parrot numbers and hope against hope this is a one-time thing,
to little effect.
Companies say I'm protected, but hackers know better.

I am adding this in on Black Friday, which is almost over.
The router I bought costs the same, no discounts I could see (on amazon.)
One reviewer stated he had a 2000 sq ft house with an existing mesh.
He tried to mesh the new router with his mesh (and ended up buying Two more routers, for a total of three.)
Seems wasteful, somehow. He kept mentioning "Backhaul."
I still don't know what that is, not really.
This paragraph is one big-assed question mark:
To spread signal around a medium house you buy three routers? What do they route?
For the money, wouldn't AP's be better? Or cheaper routers?
Just wondering.
If anyone asks me.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Magneto (anatomy of a TOT)

 A british actor who mumbled a lot anyway, said that he needed a Magneto.
A fellow actor repeated the phrase, "Magneto."

OK if you're into accents, and explanations that make no sense,
have I got a video for you.

(Hint: the video claims that brushes act as rectifiers)

Apparently it's popular in India to make complicated videos.
We use diodes and transistors, But in ancient times they used 
motors next to other motors (AC motor + Commutator)
And that's as far as I'll ever get.
The very hot teacher in my 4th-grade genius class (it was only for a week or so)
made a generator motor from a magnet and a coil of wire.
(Later on in future years they made grapefruit and potato batteries)
But the demos were for flash and pizzazz, not to actually learn much, and
  I still don't know what a magneto does
(commutator or not)
Get an old guy to explain flyback transformers on old TV's, and wonder (ok that's just me) why a flyback couldn't go in a car to fire off spark plugs.
By Teravolt at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25423550

WTF, "Armature?"
Tease something to distraction,
Dump it suddenly,
And it really pisses them off.
(Sounds familiar, somehow)

*I* remember coils! Long cylinders with a cone on top, to be hooked onto something else and blamed for everything.
I guess one end of the cylinder hooked to an alternator (aka "magneto"?)
and the other end (the cone) to the distributor, but that's total guessing from a 7 year-old's memory.

crank the car, pull a plug, check for an arc, replace the coil/hit the alternator with a shoe

You prolly know how to subtract from a dollar to give change, and you wouldn't know what subtrahends and minuends are (dances on weekends?)

And so it is with any internet exposition I've found on armatures. A part of something that does something and produces a result, 
But I like the fourth-grade demo of the rotating magnet in a stationary coil, (or vice versa) better than knowing, uhm, what that web-page said.

if 2+2 is four, then 2^2 is four, and x^2=4 comes out to 2, 
I can maybe know what a "Magneto" is.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

verifiable (ble?)

AMD adrenalin 24.8.1 runs decent 

24.9.1 and 24.10.1 are turtles by comparison.
I speak mostly of the CPU-Test inside Timespy in 3dmark

Nobody reads these but I want it written somewhere that the newer drivers slow my card down, at the same settings using the same test.

The 24.8.1 isn't running superfast, exactly, I've seen it run at 16700 on a rare blue-moon day. Plus, I should point out that this is only one part of one score.
But I've been able to prove to myself that the latest drivers slow the card down, and my only question so far is,

Taking copious notes and tweeeeking NB/SOC from a few reddit articles, and VDDP, I find that I already had optimal (for this PC) settings and my tweaks just slowed them down.
Me-in-the-future, ignore the internet, read your notes. (1.1 and 0.855)
I don't know right now what new feature they added to the drivers, but it slows my hoary card down. 

No one asked, but my "Power plan" seems to be stuck on "Balanced"

It took a video to type one line?
It's worth a try, I just feel despondent. It should work.
"Device security" is ignoring me too.
What should I think??
Suddenly it's all decorative, non-functional

If some new setting broke my menus, or a service I used to use got switched off,
or it's because I'm using WiFi?
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

Anyway the long line in Powershell to restore app settings seems to have worked.
So if it's innocent, the fix should be long-lasting.
If on the other hand something is messing with the menus, this problem will return soon.

In related news, Musk has something nasty to say about Google AI.
I'm not absolutely sure this isn't just propaganda.

My Atari 400 could run tiny programs in basic (Built-in or add-on, I don't remember)
And one of the programs was an 8-ball type program you could use like a calculator to get it to answer questions. 
The religious-type girl I knew then warned against letting computers answer questions, and someone with her scoffed that it was only some game (that I wrote, most amateurishly) but she was adamant, it smacked of satanic influences.
I also remember a Danny Dunn book from way before that, and the consequences of letting a computer do homework and especially, write speeches.
(The book had a happy ending though; The kid worked so hard programming the computer that he became smarter without meaning to.)
Switch to today, when AI programs will decide our right to be citizens.
Or expensive NAS projects and their Rube Goldberg setups.

It's a train of thought, go with it.

One of today's headlines, VC's (whatever they are) (A vc?)
 have judged engineers to be obsolete because they are non productive.
They must think up shit or be discarded.

I'm still looking for a photo of engineers being watched by their VC overlords.
The pinnacle of AI in a picture is still super-creepy (look at her hands!)
Her hands! (omg)
Work from "home" engineering?
  1. H2b visa employees are the backbone of the tech industry (for alternative viewpoints please see reddit, Quora or Fox).
  2. Forbidding them will doom the future to AI (and the VC overlords) (See picture, see #1)

Thursday, November 14, 2024


 rare forks for hobos and rich people

These teeny forks, perfect for pocket or purse,
are cheaper up the street (or they were, many years ago)

Another Logitech mouse (because the perfectly good old one double-clicks)

Roach Bait. I've been buying spray cans forever that don't work.
Liquid-Bait works, unless something else is poisoning them (Giant cockroaches used to crawl through the front door to die)

My laundry-service keeps mailing me, but the laundry is too dirty for them anyways so I ignore them.

Dentures that fit (but that's pie-in-sky thinking)

A couple of $100.00ea. Batteries

And a TV that has a center-base, which is my only requirement (and they don't make them anymore, someone passed a law)

Horse Cack
(Witness my Router)
It's cheaper to stick on two matchsticks than a hunk of heavy metal.

and a wifi 6ghz scanner.

I'm scanning my wifi!
I'm scanning my wifi!
So I can remain unobtrusive and out of the way (for a while, anyway)
not sure I trust "Wifiman" yet.
There's a setup-signal on the entire 6ghz-band, or, wifiman is two eggs short of a dozen.

And maybe a smaller bed, 22-inches high total.
I swear it's damn near impossible to shop for beds online, although the problem would be eliminated in a bed showroom.
You'd sit your butt down on the real live bed, see if it had just the right bounce, drag out a credit card.
Would the saleslady be too good looking and distracted by the richer-than-god people who are waiting for her?

"Adjustable" beds costs as much or more than refrigerators. No.
   Cheap-ass cot on blocks?

Some beds (I'm thinking, "hospital") make you figuratively climb out of a swamp helplessly, it's hard to explain. 
Laying there motionless is fine, until you reach for anything on the stand at the head of the bed...
Swimming against the tide of the lumpy thing that has no bounce at all, and any angle is uncomfortable, until they pump you full of sleepy-time (chopped into tiny pieces because they would not want you to enjoy it too much)
So anyway that really large woman on TV laying flat on a rubber mattress and looking very surprised, always reminds me of beds without springs you can't move in,
 like in hospitals.
"Turn over" becomes this massive project.
High-up. (sort of)
Halfways-house for ex prisoners-bed.
(Fifties retro style)
I hate the picture, but it's sort of what I wanted, kind of.
Box-springs must be like those center-stands I talked about, endangered, rare.
Selling a piece of rubber is enormously cheaper than a spring bed, come out and admit it.

Home depot (yeeeers ago) had foam-rubber wrapped in cloth, green/plaid, for camping. NOW they just added a shitload to the price, gave it a fancy name.
Well maybe it's time I fished for dumpster models, I don't know.
Bed from Hell Designed by Math

The very few streaming experiences I have had deal mostly with binge-watching "Doctor Who" on a streaming service called DailyMotion.
It works, and I see a little more into what's what.
Are people gonna be like "https://screenrant.com/doctor-who-season-14-episode-5-dot-bubble-ending-explained/" soon?
Sutekh suketh (It's an anagram?)
I like the show generally, but these people deserve doctorates for their treatises,
PhDs in the "whoniverse."
The writer makes gargantuan plot-holes you could drive a Tardis through, like talking Babies never growing up, or a girl who can barely walk on her own, suddenly knowing how to use ladders quickly.
But apparently this one episode really ticked off fans.
I kind of surmise it's Disney 10-year-old fans (and 10-year-old fans from the 70's) vs old codgers. 
But I wouldn't really know.
ADD another word to the list, "Hegemony"

And I suppose just for testing purposes, I need to find the most crowded channel and stream something.
But for now I choose the semi-desert-wasteland of 6ghz.