
Monday, July 12, 2021

Pleasing windows (rewrite)


Say whut???

OK in my first version, since I do not understand TPM's and never will,
I wondered about identity-cameras.

*Then* (because I gave up on cameras) I wondered about fingerprint readers.
I learned there are two kinds, one with authority and power, and one that basically does nothing except allow you to not use a password you might forget.

The authority part I mentioned is bestowed upon you by a keymaster.

The convenience-one isn't bestowed by anyone, it's a marketing thing for laptops.

Enter the "security key".

*What* is a security key?

I don't know, it's "Fido 2" whatever that means.
A bell goes off in my head..."Fido2?" My new fingerprint reader will be fido2.
Can I use it as a security-key or is that one of those things like a Pokemon collection of stuff available at my local retailer?

They use way too many words, they're acting all Wikipedia-ish.

Sorry, spellcheck, it's a writing style so opaque that only the author and his friends will ever understand it.
Bottom line, if a fingerprint-reader is a key, and a TPM is a key,

Do I need another key for the keys?

BIOS can turn off TPM, and the fingerprint reader *could* get stolen, but a key (you keep in your pocket)  might override the others.
I seriously feel like that TV show "Monk" about a deranged policeman with serious OCD.

I'll read their folderol in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/concept-authentication-passwordless#fido2-security-keys but I won't understand it, O crap.

In my first version I wrote that (in my humble opinion) Microsoft reeeeally wants to know it's you, for identification purposes as a means to allow you into subscription services, and to prevent your friends in facebook from using your subscriptions.

Stealing from you is secondary (people could rob you of your hardware, break your password, etc) but at least (uh) you could, um, prove eligibility with your little subscription-key.... Like how your converter box and accompanying card prove your worth to TV-providers, like an ATM is for a bank...

I'm getting lost again, I'm procrastinating reading the unreadable link (which probably says)

"keys are great, you need one (on top of your other keys)"

Changing rules, are we? #@!$$ and the horse you rode in on.

While there are many, only One meets the standard (sounds an awful lot like a commercial)

Only Bleh Butter is worthy, thanks to Oleoesse, the finest in buttery taste.


As of 2019, no one really knew what Fido 2.1 was.
I'm, um, devastated.

A key for the key on top of the key.


Chapter II

The rewrite's as bad as the original! waitasec, deleting the pocket-lint:
OK, where were we?
O yeah, Key or Reader? BOTH!
So far BOTH are USELESS since windows BYPASSES them.
Sorry about caps but if you are an "Insider" check the feedback on fingerprint readers.
If you're not an insider and even if you are, please read below about Windows ignoring all my passwords, all my keys (it's deaf)

**Device Not Supported** How fucking reassuring

Well, it isn't exactly "plug-n-play" since it chose the wrong brand and model, and I'm about to go research a G11. But I'm very hopeful, so far.

Sign in with camera, Fingerprint, Security key. What I don't know is, which one is preferred.

Plus (I just checked) I set it up long ago to never require passwords when starting up.
And, I cannot seem to turn off the lack of a password. (Turn on the requirement) (o nevermind)

Judy needs to "freshen up"
and her little brother is nearby.
She perspicaciously (for once spell check actually did something good) signs out to prevent her brother from wreaking chaos and general evilness.
But her brother is smart enough to know, that if he just *restarts* the damned accursed *expensive* POS, it will automatically log him in, and since the password manager knows the password for Judy's bank,
He quickly becomes a pimp.
Vanity, all is vanity (and useless crap)

Where, where?! I lissstened to you, Snake, and now I am forever damned (😔😢)

Disembodied-voice mumbles "Group edit".
O...K (I guess)
(O gawd)

Total horseshit video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kei3qbifE_g (see picture)
It's not true on My PC, the circled line is totally gone. Missing (OMG)
BTW I typed a much shorter version of this on that W11-thread at answers.microsoft.com and it was deleted forthwith.
So, maybe I ...maybe it...(o shit nevermind) No, it was deleted *again* by a moderator [___]

Missing (Why won't you BELIEVE me???)

The weeping and gnashing teeth is so loud, I doubt they'll notice this
And like I said, it got deleted in a forum
But yeah, if YOU restart and you need a password, please write (if this connection isn't dead and I'm only talking to ghosts in my head)

Update (maybe):

I will now attempt it.
If I'm not back in one hour, it failed.
It's working!! Kind of, I'm not finished, but the checkbox in "users"(netplwiz) is back!!
One last duty to perform.
hey, hey, HEY!!
You can use your PIN, or you can use your print (not sure about "key" yet)
For Fuch's sake, they couldn't just say this on Microsoft, avoiding all the turmoil???
My GAWD, the irony, the wasted hours.
Remind me to rant about the six menus for important functions in windows;
5 useless menus and one menu you have to type into a Run-box or a DOS-command-line.
Netplwiz is a helluva example.

The anticlimactic part is, 
Windows pretends not to know me (my thumb) and refuses to connect at first.
The knowledge that my thumbprint lasts about as long as a loaf of bread, 
and then has to be re-registered, is discouraging me.
It's also discouraging that windows gives up so easily and demands my PIN.

BTW they make an "Iris Scanner" too but I've seen too many movies about stolen eyes...ya know, marketing people must stick those into movies and TV shows to get you to want one.

"The default password"...for what?? some trojan, some remote hacker, who??
WHY does it even need a password?
And if I change it, would it break the poor innocent apps trying to use it???

Speaking of readers and keys, um, an app online could use my key but I don't have any apps requiring keys.
Amazon comes close, but it requires a whole separate phone, not a dinky key.
At least I think it does, or I have not read enough.
Ever been afraid to click on stuff? the little blurb in Google is tantalizing but isn't worth compromising the PC (if people are trumpeting passwords, what else could they be up to?)
I'll pass.
Ok, maybe just ... one ... peek.

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