How bad does your day have to suck, how dismal, devoid of meaning, is life, when Windows updates are the highlight?
(I'll flesh this out later, (No I won't, I'm too pissed, nevermind)
It refuses to install on my two drive system. |
Once it does install, the *horror* begins (unless you're reading this tomorrow, at which time they'll smooth over the wrinkles and claim it was all the great-unwashed's fault) (eg, it's now "tomorrow," and the sycophants are roaming):
I'm interrupting this random thought with another random thought about the incompetent way Microsoft has distributed major updates to Windows.
Remember (no, you probably don't) that I wrote about windows 11 not installing until I Offlined one of my drives?
Same thing happened today.
I have two NVME drives, which drives windows crazy, But It doesn't know why, which drives Me nutty until I remember all the arcane reasons.
No you won't find this reason online, yet.
And it isn't a trivial thing to fool with the offline/online status of drives (I always want to call them "Disk drives," because I'm not up on the cool lingo for ssd NVME drives.)
I'm bringing it up because despite the drive's "Online" status, it is now inexplicably write-protected. Meaning I can see everything but not touch anything.
This has never happened to me before, but I'm assuming that it's an easy fix, not a drive failure (geez.)
That's rich, they're "Investigating".
Major major fuckup, but they're investigating.
Might I suggest they dump their virtual-crap and run on an actual PC.
Some puffed-up buttmunch claims that googling whatever "Irisservice" is will answer all questions, as if there weren't many googleable things named "Iris".
Is it Security?
It has analytics! It's scalable!!
It's (prolly NOT what windows was talking about)
So what is it?
Something to do with cameras???
A scalable paradigm |
Somebody fucked up, no apology, no explanation, and no moderator BANNED them for ending the fucking WORLD, o no....
But yeah, whatever they said worked. Someone's girlfriend must've been pissed, someone who MATTERED must've said something!!!
I took a little nap instead of having a stroke, and now this is all old news.
Blank. Nothingness. End of the world-type stuff. |
And Where's MY hero badge, my gold-star, for all my sweat, getting your cranky 30th-anniversary model-T going? (Work, Slave, and for WHAT??!!)
foot-notally, um, "I work and I slave and for what" is something fifties-type sitcoms would say,
So it's impossible to google without knowing the exact quote, which is prolly much more ranty.
"I've got a file being blocked by windows protection, what should I do? What is that (windows) file?"
"Turn off Blocking"
Translation: WE (us, ourselves) blocked it, but we don't know why exactly (the higher-ups never tell us anything) so ignore it (fight the power)
I am not an employee or a representative, but if this helped, give me a brownie point, so someday I can be a hero and ban your ass)
Google's front page (on the right-hand-side) has interesting 60-minutes-style news (AKA old news you already knew about).
But for old people who watch 60 minutes, the right hand side is informative.
No, evil aliens didn't invade the white house (it's a picture of San Salvador)...That's a fake headline you might see something similar to.
"Apple cares about privacy" But not...that is NOT a fake headline, but you judge the article for yourself.
My opinion (and everyone has one) is that Apple NEVER cared about privacy, which I could prove if I saved iTunes TOS's.
They (and google, and Microsoft) would very much like to know what you play, browse, use.
It's lots easier tracking cloud usage...I almost started a second rant; I care nothing about clouds Or iTunes.
No, but I WAS interested in a paywalled article that most of the internet is fake and is run by AI.
(Google's front page, for instance)
People (hackers, info farmers, bitcoin-miners) are being replaced by machines.
A question arises:
If the internet is being monitored by lots of well-paid entities,
And a Lot of the internet is fake,
Do machines monitoring other machines get fooled into rebroadcasting opinions and trends?
yes, nuts exist (antixaving anti-parasite-pill Ivermectin-swallowing endless war mongering proselytizers)
But are they being influenced by machines?
And who runs the machines (besides other machines?)
ooooooooooo, Reference "Max Headroom" and maybe Fox News.
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