
Thursday, October 13, 2022


Biggie opus blog-type entry written over days on a phone.
I suppose I should continue this entry, but no, I will add New entries when they are needed (and when they're Not needed) 
Muscular Sheena queen of the ER.
The flies flit longer than the doctors, so it is mostly Sheena.
Will the beautiful and dark radiologist (in radiology) recommend befootation, bereftation, separation?
Will the doctor vacationing in Peru come back just in time for his speciality, laser ablation?
Crowded place today.
I would know. It's buzzing,twittering, usually quiet.

This draft is too drafty.
Tune in tomorrow and see what happens.
My blogs are proving impossible to edit, like my foot, an all-or-nothing proposition.
Joey Zsa zsa was on his way to a dinner date, suitably dressed, but paused to order tests. And what do the tests say? This isn't "House-MD," they don't announce your illness after the commercial break. Well, fine, but what is the grapevine saying?
Loss of a baby toe next week.

Dressed better than this guy.

Don Ernesto de Vascular (Pic tba) and several infectious disease experts happened by. The disease guy could see everything from a lab, but maybe he was bored.
Don Vascular might lay some pipe, it's what he gets paid to do. People guess his services are needed, and he rides in to perform them.
After that, there's the cultures the inquisitive guy is growing. Ah, no culture is released for evaluation before it's at its peak, which explains the wine-bottle shaped beakers.

 Headline today: a man on a mission to kill, a serial one. 

OK we don't know if the guy gets off on the sound of ripping flesh, or if he's sacrificing people to an inner evil-god, but I got to thinking that he is a lot like an antibody, or an antibiotic.
My particular antibiotics might be frightening or might be the equivalent of school-kids, I wouldn't know: Vancomycin, Zosin.

Plasty vs gram vs "fucket"
OK look at facts, the vascular-surgeon-guy didn't know my other leg had been taken by this place 5 years ago. He probably wondered why they didn't even try with a gram or a plasty, and what that dead toe/dog poo whiff was.
He could have studied the records but who does that? NCIS?
I don't hold much hope. A Stent is expensive and slightly pointless;
They were trying to think conservatively, prevent future toe-rot,
It must all seem pointless.

Dinner or surgery?
NPO or eat decent food.
Catheter too short, IV thingy too short? 
Rip it out (and die, but be free)

Sit in a chair all monk-like, no one comes for hours.
Not for glucose, antibiotics, 
for dressings, blood-pressure, to empty trash.
To trigger all this you must watch interesting TV or, nod off and nap.

Late for dinner? They remove the dinner, you will get fruit-cup and a monk-sandwich.

Don't complain. It can be hazardous to health.
(They'll report you, or worse.) Someone else is being reported, but they're getting off light.
Stinky-toe-pariah here! I await fate (or the dawn and a shift change)
Fate is the hunter....old movie where a guy almost died because hot coffee shorted out stuff.
No, wait....think of a creaky or broken bridge, they don't mend it, they demolish it and start over.
My decision to try to save my leg has few benefits, lotsa risks.
So, rather than make a dumb decision that almost kills me, and since you, mummies all, can't or won't counsel me, since no one I've seen had their leg repaired but removed instead,

Goodbye leg.

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