
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

who died...

 When did some bigwig come along and require the use of doughnut shaped transformers?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-iYQ0vqMvY doesn't say. In fact, if you're reading this cuz you wanna know, I never found the reason.

*I* think it took some engineer in the eighties to invent a way to manufacture the winding machines, cheaply.

I actually worked in a transformer-winding place for little motors, but I never got a chance to really look at the winding machines.

Bad/old/ew (but why?)
Some context: PC power supplies use them (the doughnuts)
But televisions at least up until "solid state" ones (no more tubes)
Used heavy square ones.
An electronic engineer could tell you why, but I can only ask google.
Yes, less noisy, Less interference (they say,) but when was the switchover?

Faraday invented them in the 1800's but they remained orphans in the snow until someone took them in and started showing the world what they could do.
waitasec, toroid doesn't equal induction, it only uses it,
So why did Faraday invent it?

'k, now you're starting to confuse me, Wiki.
DC volts and a guy has to stand there moving the coil constantly,
I'm sorry I asked, NVM

ineligible blog entry:
An ad for wipes (someone is tracking me.) 

so the question arises, wipes vs TP.

I'd like an opinion from a less biased source, 
but being on a commode and painfully wiping, 
I'd have to assert that Bidets trump them all.

Why do hospital toilets have all those extra pipes? Is it for bathing, or ??
Because, in the US washing bedpans in the sink is discouraged.
No, because of TP
Kinda vague but "basin" might mean "bedpan"

Today's math lesson:

Checks disbursed on Monday arrive Saturday.

Sunday-saturday are Friday.
But if Monday is a holiday, (uh,) check will arrive as if Tuesday were a Monday, so "Saturday."

(Except, the REAL holiday is "Sunday" so banks can choose to be closed Saturday, which means they'd be open Monday, and the DD-check would arrive Tuesday. But the internet says they will be closed Sunday-Monday, Making Tuesday "Monday" and the checks on Saturday, but don't quote me)


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