
Sunday, August 13, 2023

The food less eaten (an idea for a real blog entry)

Amputee squash
( part(s) removed, stitched shut)

(better pic is forthcoming)
"Gas-Meter" squash
(Because it looks like part of a '80s home gas meter)
How to cook squash: 
?? Steam it. If it's gargantuan, slice up, steam it.
Add flavors, mix with De rigueur "EVOO", serve as salad.


Foods never eaten: Pumpkin, no one I know can cook one.
Gut it, slice it, eat it.
Maybe make a pie but I don't know any pumpkin pie not coming from a can.

Weird squashes are usually cooked outside the US, with magical powers far beyond those you'd eat here.
Would squash be good on toast? 
They make up names (I swear) as seen in these here pictures.

For that much I'd never eat it, just buy plastic squash to place next to it.
If you're into olive oil, or especially if you wanna learn the Lingo for parties,
(don't get roped into the taste-tests)
THIS site is da best, except they favor "Trader Joes", very snooty/upper-crust.
Canola FTW!

If you eat asparagus you'll eat anything and call it "eclectic"

I blind-taste tested a tiny bowl of asparagus soup, excrement.
I gotta say, I'm not a biggie gourmet fan (what with the tiny prawns and the unborn chicken eggs)

So I'm reading a wiki article that has definitions, and Those definitions are defined,
until you forget totally why you were there in the first place.
A front-page news article?
Which wiki bored into like some wormhole into another dimension. 
"enhanced (what) is not torture.
Is (c'mon)
Have you seen the tapes?!!
Tapes? What "tapes"?
I was reading about narco submarines, which maybe mentioned 
extraordinary-rendition not sure.
("define rendition"= A rendering, also to transport, also artist's works)
WHICH subs were mentioned in a definition on the page about the Edmund Fitzgerald 
(a ship (and the improved "freeboard" after it sunk, and the song about the ship, by Gordon Lightfoot)

And the page on the rendition mentioned food (really bad food)
Reminds me of a banned burned book and the main actor

It's prolly woke too.

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