
Monday, October 23, 2023

AMD's settings: new Bios, same crap

 SR-IOV is, whatever it is. Honestly, I would not know.
It appears to be primarily concerned with network cards and Interrupts.
The opaque definition would only help someone who already knows what it is.
But just now, after enabling SR-IOV my AMD card's software didn't reset, didn't erase my settings.

If this was a fluke, I'll erase this quick.
2nd reboot, no reset.
Bios Update: It reset! In other words, BIOS has something to do with it, some really random arcane setting I haven't found yet. 
Edit: I stumbled upon a setting but I don't know what it was, maybe it was just jiggling Ryzen-Master (the only thing I remember doing), and yes, we're back to no-reset, but my joy is muted because when this problem reoccurs, I won't know why.

I downloaded a github app to remove bloatware from Adrenalin, 
but it did not help.
I wonder if I'll be reading quaint and curious volumes of forgotten Lore...
(nevermore, Lenore)
Witness the Lore, Lenore (a rumor, nothing more)
Copilot (ahem) Windows Copilot cannot be removed like some ordinary app, it either has to be hacked or (the approved way) hidden.
Now a guy wonders, if it's hidden is it acting as an agent for Microsoft?
Do you fancy Porn, Trump, Guns?
Copilot might well know, it would be a reason to make it invulnerable from the uninstaller.
But we've seen shady characters before, like "Clippit" in Microsoft Office.
They get deposed after a couple years.
But that isn't solving my "Reset" problem which may be because of some unrelated setting I could never guess at in a zillion years.
It's prolly a coincidence but in my playthrough of Baldur's Gate, the romance scene is missing again.
I'll edit this if it comes back.
All these arcane mysterioso things happening, give me a headache.

NO, it was Not "DMA"-whatever, but I'm going down a super-long list.
This will get edited eventually, or I will despair and this will get dusty; come back in a month.

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