My refrigerator sounds like a motorcycle. Except motorcycles run smoother and have a much better bass sound.
I can't do anything about it, and it isn't one of those covered in a lawsuit, but I kept hoping all this time it was a loose fan.
I hate that kitchen in the picture. Microwaves fail predictably (so why buy built-in?) but I hadn't counted on my refrigerator going bad, it's a refurb with the original compressor replaced. It looks like the picture but no pretentious metal.
Youtube videos say little, say nothing, and they add a commercial in front, and I'm on an austerity-program, so no useless videos.
They fail, they don't know why, and the ones that fail are called "linear".
I don't think I have one of those, prolly just the cheapest crap one the reused- refrigerator sales-guy could get on a sale.
It's doing its job, so I ignore the motorcycle sound, but I worry.
My game-library, if you expose every game I've ever tried, looks impressive (to me) but some of the games must have been real bad.
I am not sure why.
I know I didn't like the gigantic puzzle of Alan Wake, where dead guys kill you if you don't do exactly what the game wants.
Be a tool of the game and feel proud you followed orders exactly (I'm not big on authoritative games, bombastic games,
Cartman games (respect my authoriteye)
But I have no clue why I didn't like "Deus Ex".
What would cause me to dump it? Graphics (I'm thinking) |
A fool is ordered by higher ranking people to go to yada and fight the blah.
Or maybe someone at steam left it for me, they used to do that, drop free games.
I don't know.
Wait, *I* know, I'll go read a review and edit this.
My sleeping-self reminded me (sort of) that "The sims" at least used to be an offline game, and I wonder if my licenses still work, and my CD-ROM-drive still works (the updates to the game would bankrupt my piddly allowance.)
Tis the season to commemorate the guy who turned water into wine, to indulge drunk Santa, to give the Highway Patrol something to do, (but by then I was awake)
I don't remember much about the sims except it was an enormous pain in the butt to install.
I countered my dream's fantasy by pointing out that traditionally, this is one of the most depressing times of the year. Even Robert Redford started out his career playing a christmas-death-type person.
Plus I don't think I could reach wherever it is in my closet.
When I bought them you were teeny kids.
You still believed in Santa.
Skateboard riding was still legal here (that really is a long time ago)
Jan 5th (close enough) |
The least topical subsection of this entry has to do with my current game,
"Baldur's Gate 3" and how it kills time so well.
I googled the best/most popular races.
It says (googled sites say) that although Githyanki are ugly and unpopular, they are the most powerful.
Actually I still have a serious question after having played for so long: Does being "proficient" in a weapon really matter?
Heavy armor and a big-ass sword are never allowed and yet I want to ignore all that and play them anyway, but I must be mindful of my dexterity and my "initiative" and my single favorite spell without which I don't really wish to play: Flame strike
(flame-something, I'll google it.)
Githyanki really are ugly and the romance scene is spoiled.
I stopped the game to find out a better race, and people say "Dragonborn" but Shadowheart kissing a dragon, IDK.
Human, slightly asian-looking
(it's a face choice, black or asian)
With dark brown eyes.
Glossy-to-the-max red glowing lipstick,
and eye makeup that favors the upper-lid
Eyeliner," to commemorate someone who really used lots of eyeliner.)
I have a makeup crisis almost every time wondering what women wear post-1985.
In other words, are racoon-eyes a thing now? I sort of don't like them, but I would be open to suggestions if women allowed staring (They do not.)
I don't get to choose eyelashes...Apparently they're a really biggie thing, although most eyelashes are way too long (To hide something? *enhance* something?)
They're fake but making them too long just emphasizes the fake.
Yeahbutt, the push-brooms You wear scream "I'm hiding something" Like some biggie banner |
(You get to choose bodies but...petite vs gargantuan isn't much of a choice...nvm)
A math problem (I so do NOT know math) is that when you get closer and closer to a goal, and halve the distance, there are an infinite amount of smaller steps and you never reach it.
Solved by the guy who said "Close enough", and everyone sighed with relief and forgot about it.
Well, remember I told you about my battery charger, the one with the meter?
Once the charger is ostensibly done and the green light goes on, it
S l o w l y drops down from 0.9 amps to less (Like maybe 0.3)
And My question is, as long as it's dropping, doesn't matter how slow, it's not 100%, it could be close but not there.
Does the battery think "Good enough" or does it want more charge?
This is notepad, no links, because of several reasons.
I tripped over the power cord yesterday and now it takes forever to charge the phone.
The phone, when it's charged, connects to my internet, but my allocation of data is nearly gone.
I wonder if I wrote a badly written blog, would you pick it apart and Misquote it?
There's a guy the headlines are calling "Unabom" who wanted to bomb an FBI building.
Where the building was I don't know, but he thought it was worth emailing about.
Now suppose some law-enforcement type guy or a politician decided to group-together all the people he lived with, his neighborhood, his friends.
For justification they could say "This guy almost bombed us, but we stopped it."
Do you live next to this guy?
Reasonable people (I think) go after the guy and his bomb supplier, not shoot up anywhere at anything close by.
And the push-back would be enormous,
would-be bombers in *any* location might copy-cat, might post x's (a twitter is now an "X", right?)
Advocating bombing stuff.
(And soon the national guard would show up to eradicate the unbelievers, let the streets run red with their blood, etc, etc)
Well it wouldn't,
couldn't happen,
and yet it IS happening, somewhere else.
My secondary thought (because it's my blog) is, idealism or enormous profits?
Religious zealotry or political points?
Too vague without juicy links, but being mindful of this site's maxim,
"Whatever you believe or can conceive of," etc, I probably will not finish the thought.
This just in, a guy dies of tooth decay (but that sounds too flippant)
He died.
His Teeth were partially to blame.
It's important as hell to me, long story not needed.
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