
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Acid dreams

 When bile rises in your throat and you're asleep, what dreams may come?
In my case, mean nurses from the trainee hospital.

The nicest nurse I ever met wasn't in a hospital, more of a convalescent home for people to recover from the hospital (and their mean nurses.)

That doesn't explain the reflux, did I eat the wrong thing, should I buy an expensive product from Amazon?
Spinabifidus terrarium.
Wait, so yogurt is s---?

Lactobacillus Plantarum (because I cannot find the reference here no way no how.)

So that last picture is a repeat, mostly for me.
And maybe a new thought, is it a genuine product or a marketing-ploy??
I thought I'd find the name quickly, go google it, on Amazon and CVS.
What they sell is for women
See, cuz traditionally, only women need probiotics.

But I'm tired now, nvm.
I didn't know til just now, they're the exact same.
Maybe one tastes better?
Maybe one is on sale?
Remember (You senile D.O.B) Maalox or Mylanta

I totally ran out of (um) Lipex? "Lipase" (ahh)
And to justify saving money I'm a gonna pontificate that you shouldn't take two at once, especially since I don't know the exact combination.

CVS has it, but their Ob so Lete search engine craps out, the words are too high, they cannot conceive of it.
OTOH their PRICE is maybe three times as much as Amazon.
25@26 vs 60@ $15
Plus no one ever buys this stuff, I wonder if it ages well?
Wikipedia says storage above around 70F kills lactobacillus.
I um, used to refrigerate my "Lipase",maybe I'll start that habit again.
Plus how do you compare Lp299v to 20 Billion CFU?
Plus they switched to nI329

NI (or N-small L) and a number is meaningless.
They barely got past "Lp299v" and then it remarried, or something.
The manufacturer decided for whatever reason LP299v was too expensive so they switched to the cheaper NI (Nl) 329
That's my guess until google says different.
Too bad no one sells "K21"
But what everyone wants to know is, how does it compare to "NI329"?

The "LP299V"-crowd comes in ten-billion too.
(Ten billion what?)

The overgrowth in my game from 1000 years of neglect, and the artificial vines which the player bravely hacks through, and the red-"blight" which looks like powdery red weeds, have direct parallels to my stomach and what's in it.
If I could only learn to love the washed-up-beach decayed taste of Kim-Chi, Or stale pickles. I wouldn't need a probiotic.

They can stick hoses down your throat and into another place, but (prolly for legal reasons) they cannot paint the walls of your stomach with anything, you'd think they could, but no.
Imagine it though...a decorator contracts a spray-painter to bring some color to the place, coating the really bad spots.
Well hell, a person can dream that doctors are actually good for something...
Kimchi and Menudo

OK now you know why probiotic Pills are all the rage

If My stomach were a cake.
People (link) would misunderstand, denigrate.

This guy seems to think that salt is evil.
Fine, whatever, but why don't more doctors discuss your microbiome?
Consisting of micro people with wire-rim glasses and hippie-beards, for all the education they lay out.
Do you eat _______? OMG, unhealthiest food on the fucking planet, you'll lose your mind and die of cancer.
Yeah, *whatever* but do you even know what healthy microbiomes look like?
When Microbiomes go bad

Microbiomes and Christianity sound a lot alike. Preachy and a little vague, depending upon the hypnotoad and the headlines.
If we all had definite goals to improve our microbiomes, digestive occupations would cease
But they won't tell us what one looks like or how to obtain a microbiome Jesus would love. ROTD link:
Lacto-ovo vegetarians must be turning over in their collective graves, because, the eggs are being recalled, and so is the milk
4000lbs of eggs, says one sensationalistic headline today. Which I could not google, it denied any knowledge, and then the cock crowed (I left off "4000 lb")

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