
Sunday, June 30, 2024

omg, gadgets (and stuff)

 My pile of mail goes back years, the kind that have account numbers and security codes on every freaking page...you guys with evil seed of the damned, how do you keep them from calling the cable company while you're in vegas?

Anyway... Forget wifi. I want a shredder! 
(I wonder if they're noisy)

A simple one that doesn't scan what you shred and send it somewhere in the "cloud", that doesn't need a key, that isn't made of stainless. 
*My* idea actually, (hmm) is a WET shredder that shreds and then wets the shreds so the meticulous evil couldn't paste stuff back together, but "Crosscut" would be ok too.

Who's that lady on TV who takes busted food and turns it into mulch?
yeah, that, mmm, shred it, mulch it.
OK most of the mail is for accounts that died or moved away, so cross-cut is prolly OK.

Could it grate cheese? (nevermind)

Checking the "news", Biden is still decrepit, older than God, enfeebled, Trump has a lot of sympathizers eager to crank out shit.
Take "John Wilkes Booth", the enemy of a way different president.
Do you think he acted alone?
Or maybe he said something in Latin before shooting Lincoln?
Many Sympathizers helped Booth escape the law for days, and some of the help was prearranged.
(Following a train of thought from "Cracked.com",
is this link:

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