
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Acid No dream

 I didn't have time to dream, I was too busy choking. 
I am looking for a non-acidic fruit drink, like "orangeade" or something with 80% water...

One of those hyper-processed drinks that make you curl up and die after you lose your mind (Who writes this stuff)
We're gonna find out a smoking man is behind all the horror stories about food.


Anyway...Distilled tap-water, with flavoring, that's for me. FU and your horse.
I still gotta find it though, and I was kidding about the flavored water.

They forgot Kale Arugula juice. barley juice.

I should restate: something palatable having little to do with health (That doesn't taste like Pee)

Beeeecause, Sure as shit, buy something healthy and it'll get recalled for listeria, or some incredibly bad thing (lead, dengue)

y....yeah, OK.
well except for the 100% juice part.
The ingredients list "Filtered water"

I can't add a caption, which should read, "whut"?

grape? Pineapple?

See, they got these enormous frozen barrels (I call them "Trash cans") and I suppose this drink mixes whatever's in the barrel.
But I digress.

 Remember when I remarked, half-joking, that it didn't have Barley?
So they made a drink with Barley.
I had one of these in my refrigerator for a year, too gross to drink. It was from a health-food-nut who bought it but did not want it!!
It screams "Laxative"

My  eyes tell me repeatedly, "Bathhouse Farms green goddess"
which, of course, it doesn't come close to saying.
But it explains why old fogies in your life can get stuff so totally wrong.

My "old reliable" is Tampico, or the curse of diabetics everywhere.
But Tampico is literally the best. Seriously.
Only it prolly kills ya.

I'll drink what my rich grandparents ate when I was four, and they lived to be 67.
13.98, 24 cans beats pretentious juice and upper-crusty water.
24@14, 24/14, uh well anyway.
Scratch the Tide.
60-cents a can?

High-Horse guy vs Ad Agency, I choose the Ad Agency,
FURIO, High-Horse-guy
OTOH Google gives typical politician-answers.
Ginger is not ginger-ale, even I know that.
But ginger is good for you and therefore extremely expensive, and you can't just eat it like a carrot.
The CAN is my family's time-honored venerable solution.

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