
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

nm,ng 2: God of war.

 I hate puzzles, did I ever mention that?

Insert the light, go above and stand on the light-ray, such that A+B+C Squiddy tentacles line up (I don't have any math terms although I'd love to) CoLinear
Get your spoiled-brat-kid to climb through a hole leading to a sand pit you cannot see (so how in hell do you know it's a sandpit?) to solve a riddle whose answer is proudly displayed in Hieroglyphics.

You need to google all this of course, relying on the kindness of strangers.

That google part I mentioned is because you can't swing a zombie rat without having to do a damn puzzle.

Google tells you how things are meant to be run, but I just feel stupid and slow for having to google (or reddit or x or meta) for a solution.
Any solution you can't figure out on your own (first playthrough, first hour) is cheating and what's the point

Fight random monsters who paid the director for a walk-on part, or google puzzles.

Styx (the Goddess)
married to Pallas (The guy-God)
(cuz there is "Pallas Athena" also, "the bust")

*I* totally forgot why I am writing about Mrs. Styx.
Kratos (Player) is the son of Pallas and Styx (I think)
and they meet a witch in the woods (Glinda the Good?)
Well, anyway, after this, the player gets a compass (I've been told.)
The black guy whose most famous line is "Indeed" is the voice actor for Kratos (Player) and...and... They fill your head with Lore and mysterioso shit so the story is more interesting. I have to go pick some flowers now.

I need a quote, hang on, about nitrites, nitrates, photosynthesis and evil niteriosos.
First, the english, non scientific version

The takeaway from the scientific version (below and TBA) is, conversion from nitrates to nitrites (or vice versa) is normal, except when you have an acid stomach, because THEN mysterioso stuff builds up giving you cancer and death.

hot dogs get nitrates (I think it's "Nitrites") from Curing.
Ergo, stay away from cured hot dogs!
I just can't tell you *why*, it's way too complicated.
Medical expenditures could be decreased Precipitously if 
(they just talked plain English)

A too-good-to-be-true hotdog spice, 
OK I submit, the mustard goes in the trash, and it comes in such a pretty bottle, lasts forever, and it was on sale.
Lettuce morn Mustard's passing.
I oughtta start my own council and call it
"The Bland food society"

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