
Friday, September 27, 2024

I filled my quota (Now what?)

 Small stuff I suppose I ought to google before I start ranting, but:
What constitutes a "Top Review" on Amazon?
The ones that look like they were written by JK Rowling are nearly always on top,
how do they rate?
I feel shame (or the system broke??)
Somebody likes me! 

I'm always getting discounts and I ignore why.
I promise to pay more attention next time.

It's rigged; The "top reviews" by default are the first ones you see, filled with praiseworthy adjectives. People mark them as "Helpful" which cements their dominance over honest but lousy reviews.
So those companies soliciting reviews,
and Amazon saying "One more [review] to go"
are they related or not?
'K, I avoid "Top reviews" anyway, smarmy (IDK)

I had another question: Why does Amazon encourage you to write reviews anyway?
They seem to be looking for a specific number. They even count down ("only two more, Only one more") and do I win the car, get the golden ticket,

I've written enough (mostly, unread) blogs to fill a small paperback.
I cannot sort the blog entries by popularity, unfortunately, so I randomly ramble and occasionally hit on something you really liked, except I discovered that Google stopped listing my blog entries.
Tell a friend, he writes another, and soon the entry is "Popular" or a flag of shame (there are no positive/negative indications, only the amount of times read)

So excuse me all to hell for not speaking about the subjects close to your heart, the ones Marketers and Pollsters and paid-consultants want me to write about (in general. I doubt they know I exist)

I realize that the former governor of Arkansas, or The spokesman for Humana who always starts out saying, "Hi. I'm Damian Clark" 
Or even Martha Stewart kissing kitties to sell cat-poop-sand, well, I am not their target demographic.
I don't know them. 

I read your trivia, and I find it unsatisfying.

Falling asleep during a system backup, 
I dreamed up the word "Oligopoly" which is prolly a word 
(spell checker didn't have a cow just now
But I chose instead to google "Oligarchy,"
a word I've seen when awake.
Wanna read a tons-better blog?


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