
Monday, September 23, 2024

red riding hood

This should be bigger but I need to know more first.
What was "Red Riding Hood" before Disney swallowed it up?

I can't remember the ending because it changed a lot or it became a silly cartoon.
I seem to recall Red's neighbor cutting open the wolf and saving grandma, who apparently was sitting patiently in the wolf's stomach.
And I only just read the "Silence of Lambs" version.


I'm not revealing the entire train of thought because it isn't even clear to me, so nevermind until I edit this some more.
Eleanor Mure would be burned as a witch today, or at least her book banned.
I gotta go check up on her.
The three Bears's protagonist is a nosy old woman, 
who breaks and enters,
and is capitally-punished, the end.
The original, three pixies and the fox isn't in internet-print, But I'm not sure. The insomnia-cure I'm linking to mentions it (zzzzzzz)

And we all know what happened to the old lady in Hansel and Gretel (don't we?)
Burned up in the pot-bellied stove.
I don't know if the kids ate her or not.

A really long time ago I played a game about a girl who had to rescue her eveil sister from fairy-tale-land, and this statement would be a LOT more relevant if I could only remember the name of the game.
??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTtqlJbufQ8
In the game, Rapunzel got so lonely she committed suicide and hung herself from the rafters.

Costner was another train-of-thought fueled by an ad for one of his parts, in which he plays a cowboy-hat wearing type of guy.

I suppose fairy-tales progréss as you get older, into fantasy and then fiction and satire.
No one asked for a book-report from me on elongated fairy-tales, so my wondering about "Tom-Sawyer" vs "Huckleberry Finn" (which one is better?)
will forever be unanswered. And the unabridged Pinocchio with the bad guys.

  • But ok, "Tom Sawyer" is better,
  • "Pinocchio" is boring, 
  • Alice was great (and I have a crush on Anne Hathaway anyway)
  • John Wick is a series I never followed, but the movie was almost as good as (I can't remember the name) "John Constantine" (which is nearly as good as "The Devil's Advocate")

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