
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

6AM time for bed (AM4 madness)

 People helpfully offer updates either quietly or not.
(Lousy sentence)
Ranty-version: You'd THINK the updates Big-ass companies spoon feed you would work, only they screw things up, sometimes.
Well, Take "AMD". 
Some hackers figured a way to mess with the AMD CPU, bypassing antivirus technology.
They happily announced it to the Eveil hackers class.
AMD hasn't said a word about it, not to me.


They only released one of their monthly videocard drivers (Which makes a person wonder why they are released monthly.)

So the whole computer went slower, according to 3dmark.
"Blame windows," I thought, only it wasn't windows.
I checked for a BIOS-Update, and there was one, and it turned out to be the defense against the dark arts and eveil hackers.
Still slow.
THEN I figured, 
"OK, when did this happen?" 
It was AMD's new driver (for my two-year-old card).
Switching back to LAST month's driver fixed it.
But, what sounds like minutes in a couple sentences, took all night and many burritos and cups of tea.
(I love my new cup)

Stock FUD picture from the link
I randomly log into my router, it's the electronic equivalent of watering plants.
OK so 
This is new (for this router)
but old for netgear, although no one (No one) will say exactly what it is.
It is enabled by default (I disabled it), Because it *could* be some company collecting info on places I choose to visit?
Yes, Terrorists are everywhere, Hackers go to class to hone their skills, but enabling a feature without telling me isn't right.
Whatever it is, it's ostensibly disabled now.
One day later, an extremely slow speedtest, 
and a direct-to-modem test-result of normal very fast speed.
Look for this router in a dumpster near you soon.
(OK maybe it woke up on the wrong side of something)

R.T.G. vs low-IQ, 
is there no happy
There's a vast hole filled by no-account routers.
Then on the Pinnacle, there are the elitist routers no one (no one) needs.
Yet, there must be a Lucas-Mccain ("rifleman") version.

Does he even have a job? Besides scaring everyone with the rifle, and baiting assholes.
But what would he buy??

No, that's "Ben Cartwright" and his sons, and their cook, and the ranch-hands.
This guy started out with three routers (I think) and lusted for more (I guess)
Sew....(*tiptoes away*)

Lover's Spat??

The demographics are severely skewed.
But *actually* I'm skewing my search results..."6e" should seriously be considered (by me) 
what with their 6GHZ and 160Mhz bandwidth, they all whine, 
"What are we, chopped liver?"

Yeah, I know...and a moped or the bus is all I need to travel to work,
But people overbuy anyway.
(I don't *want* your govt. Cheese! Geez Louise)
TP-Link prolly isn't that bad, and yet, it conjures pictures of outhouses in my head.
I wanna Asus! (I think) They're incredible (or incredibly bad)
ASUS RT-BE92U sounds promising, but then they all do, before the horror stories.
"BE92" says nothing but, it's new, it's cheap(er) so. yeah
Unpretentious 2x2, Triband (it's not retarded slow incomplete) 
But I cannot find a vendor (not on amazon, not from Asus)
Supply chains, the weather, the war, Kroger, who knows why.
Ditto on the Hyped but never actually seen GT-BE19000
Since neither actually exist in the US-Wild yet 
(Rumor has it the EU has the be92U)
*I* choose, with my vaunted but imaginary money,
the GT-BE19000. (I don't know why yet, but the "GT" is important)

Why? It only has three (not 4) bands, and it's supposed to have "AFC".
AFC sort of sniffs around and rewards lonely users with a little bit stronger 6Ghz, for those who qualify.
(The young sexy GT-BE19000 flashes her AFC-badge, (or is it "flaunts") to the older BE98-Pro, But the 98-pro has revisions coming out, hmm)
It's too, too confusing, must I check the revision and send it back if it's too old, or wait for the GT-BE19000?
I don't exactly live on a prairie in Wyoming, "AFC" might not cotton to me, might say it don't like my kind here, hmm)

I found a review site I sort of like, but some things seem off, somehow.
multi-gig is the latest buzz, raising the price unnecessarily, but the main reviewer cusses anyone with mere 2.5Gig ports as behind the times.
Yeah OK, whatever.
Then there are those colored stars, which I understand, mostly (OK I don't understand them ok?)
A gray star is no star.
A *green* star is a legitimate star. (it can be halved)
A *Yellow* star is either a warning or like those gold stars from school
 (That I never ever got) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Deep reading the yellow/gold stars, I see warnings.
So Gold means "Watch your step"???
I wouldn't want to bother the guy, who actually answers. He looks like he's got a warehouse full of reviewed products, and he works 23/6, although he could just be a biggie-box store in disguise, hmm
Decadence personified.
Uhm, Hmm

Would I win the Asustek Lottery or not? Or are these shills. I cannot tell.
Ha! The cure for impulse-buying is Amazon reviews (and maybe, acronyms)
MLO! SFP! SMB! AFC! (yada blah! it's not like I have a list I can spout at parties)
I'd *like* one of those Ubiquiti (whatever) giant pill-shaped routers (maybe) but I lose interest when they speak of POE.

a Ubiquiti link I have not read yet

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