
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

mangled Jellyfish

The C is silent.
To be different, Uppercrust?
If you mangle one, it seeks a partner and merges with another.
Hence the title: To prove a point, scientists worldwide must be mangling these guys.


Which raises more questions than answers.
If they were accidentally wounded, why?
Will they amass into one giant jellyfish bent on revenge?

OK, say the pedants, "Jellyfish" and "Comb Jellies" are very different beasts.
So my microscopic teeny tiny rant concerns "(warty) Comb jellies", and not Jellyfish, although in a mugshot I doubt you'd find anyone anywhere except advanced marine-biologists knowing the difference.
"we are 'Legion' "?
They eat meat, they're taking over ("Invasive") and their butthole disappears but they take dumps every few minutes.
Well, here, you read it, don't believe me (why would you)
But (I'm thinking) fishmongers must be packing away zillllions,
what with the War (Pick one), embargoes, Covid, Jellies, The heat.
(Supply chains...https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PSALMUSDQ

Which raises the question, "How do you say "Ktene"?
Or is it an unpronounceable word, like spanish "Perro"
If you google "Ktene" Google gets very confused.

Only science (so far) uses the word and they don't talk much.
Science misspells it.
Or The scientist they're quoting did.
Actually Google is insisting that I am mistyping "China"...

Spell it "Ktene" or die!
An experiment: Abstract: Feed Google "chtena" instead of "Ktene" and see what pops up
Spelling variations exist, no doubt.
"Bing" (the search engine) has a different outlook:
Donde esta el 'escusado'??


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