
Monday, December 7, 2020

HDR 30hz (bah humbug)

 OK this was an anemic attempt to hack my registry into allowing HDR videos.

I need a better Intro:

"No HDR for you!" Not good enough, not smart enough, and dammit, people don't like you (lol)

I don't watch movies and I sit around 18 inches from the screen, too close for TV (which is usually 8-feet away.)
The upper-crust people seem to like "30 hz" though. 
Can I do that? yes.
30hz should be all jerky, right?
Boring music and slow-mo videos...a video of Japan at night, and the first few seconds look speeded up. But the rest is a perfect speed (I think).
In short, I'm in need of a decent non-boring video to watch, which I would not watch anyway (I don't think.)
It's the profiling, the prejudices that rankle.
"NO!" instead of adapting the program to use less HDR-ish features, because that would nullify the point, to get me to feel small and undeserving, so I'll pay $2000 or so for something I wouldn't use much.
I bowed to their whims and bought "G-Sync", and it's been a year and I still don't know why.
I *Think* I'm supposed to buy a VR headset with bangles to maximize their profit margin ($800 for two tiny monitors.)
I'd use 30hz assuming I don't get headaches, but who would care? 
I don't own any 30 hz movies.
Oh, it says I can do 24 hz, is that more upper-crusty?
Would I be good enough, would my shit be less stinky?
This upper-crust keyboard is really double-typing today.
I gotta stop listening to snobs.

Timespy @30hz (I'm tempted to try "24 hz" but why push it)

New version
(@30Hz, not trying to be repetitive, but it seems to matter)

"December 7th 1941, a day that will live in infamy"
They don't show that commercial anymore.
no, the only date that matters is 9/11.

Which movie will dominate this year, "yada wonderful life", a tribute to loan-companies, or "Christmas Carol", a tirade against loan companies??
Or are we sooo post-christmas.
Upper crusties buying HDR and $1000 video cards.
I felt llike ranting, please ignore the previous coupla lines)
Upper crust keyboard

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