
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Notes 2

 Here's what's fixed, improved, and still broken in Windows 10 build 20277 - Neowin

Actually, what they didn't say up front was.....
21277 is on their announcement page but it's actually 20277, by default, unless you force the "Optional update" 21277 (so it's not a typo, and I'm not high)
The article above explains it reel gud, and I'm jealous people write such topical daily blogs.
I don't actually know what the hell they said ("Emoticons?")
and the 21277 is still downloading (Why?).
I'll uhm, edit this after a while, assuming I don't die first...
The very bottom line is, after my piddly tweaks, (the ones I can remember,) will "3dmark" run as fast, faster, or jump down to first gear (like it did earlier this year)?
Damn bugs. Damn double-typing.
I've got my own problems, get on with it, windows, wank yourself this week

. . .

still downloading.

OK, how about a mumble or two about how expensive motherboards are these days?

They've inexplicably gone up, unless you subscribe to the theory that assemblers are home, home sick, dead or unemployed. That makes a good albeit depressing explanation..

Or it could be like those plywood slabs they sell during storms, pure profiteering.

I like the first explanation the best.

Timespy=11880, not anything to write home about. Average (they added some nice results without you having to go online to check) is 11810, and the best, they say, is 13,517.
I mean to get another motherboard (the question is when and for how much) to see if it goes any faster.
Or I could google some anecdotal results for free ("my x570 runs slower/faster the same," etc.)
Those red lines above bottom-out at more than 15000, and my top-end of it is 13,000-something.
Two thousand slower than a much slower processor.
A good reason to get another motherboard!! (if I needed an excuse)

But they used faster memory and a faster video card.
The chart (not necessarily the article) seems to say that if you had an x370 it would be worth the upgrade, but x470 to x570 might be the same or slower.

I should note (because I don't know what else to do right this second) that my memory, all together, is only rated to be 3466.
I think maybe a year or so ago, I actually ran it at 3466 for five-minutes, but since then it won't run much faster than 3300-something, possibly because of a BIOS-Update.
It would be nice to have 3466 again, and to be closer to trendy and normal, per their chart.
(But trendy-normal is so expensive!!)
Don't mock my raggedy clothes, my kingdom lies within my PC.
(My 2017-style PC)

VDDCR_SOC or whatever (It's from my memory) is important, 
TRFC is damn near critical (it works or it ruins everything)
And Dram voltage, and etc, you could be an old man with a beard finding out values, or guess like everyone else. 
Well I'm not actually guessing, but having had this thing for a year, I know it's hard to tweak because tweaking it either breaks it, or it's stellar.
Which kind of sucks.
Currently, I'm raising VDDCR_SOC to 1.1 which looks promising, but without knowing the fifty other settings I need to also set, I'm prepared for the eventual doom, and writing this paragraph is just killing time until it happens.
 So, having another motherboard with a little more headroom would be nice,
assuming everyone ignores the fact that I never play movies, and my games are from 2012 (I think they updated their directx-9 in 2017 or so)
Pyrrhic waste of time or...? 

so, yeah, slower by a bit.
See you in a month or so, after more (memory) tweaks

Window-shopping for clothes/motherboards, some are men's, women's, intel, AMD, and some have a name they tack a price onto (ASUS, Nike)
And finding the nameless item built by hardworking built-people, I get distracted.
Because only shapely people look good in those clothes, and only components costing thousands could feel at home in those overpriced motherboards that some reviewer got free.
Someone keeps mentioning "Tyan", are they still around? They used to be the overpriced sexy models of yesteryear but they got old.
Looking at a place called "newegg" I saw two brands of motherboards I've considered before, The MSI x570 Godlike, which had two models, and one was even more expensive than the other, and cost extra to ship.

I'm guessing sexy nike-wearers go for this board, it's one of the most expensive out there.
The other was the board I have now, with a few name changes, a few fashion updates.

But I still remember waiting to throw away the one I have now, because it wouldn't boot no matter what I tried.
These days if my board has a fatal attack, it'll set everything to "low" and start over, but Then it just plain ran around in brain-dead circles, forever.
I am not anxious to repeat that experience!
Plus, my board isn't so bad, now that it works, and the newer one isn't much better.

If I knew more that God, I would know which no-name "Godlike"-equivalent to buy, but since I do not,
This second picture I am using as a direct comparison, although I am sure they did not mean it to be. Same site, Same processor, same 4400mhz failure

Their numbers, if you have the time to really pore over them, make little sense, 
if you (for example) compare both charts "pbo active" to "PBO 4" on both charts.
the Godike chart is off, somehow.
More Povray, less power, maybe they got some lines switched??

Imagine you're at a weightlifting exhibition, and a few weightlifters are lifting 400 pounds...You can't lift 400 pounds, you'd never want to.
But (for whatever reason) the Godlike outperforms the Ace very slightly.
Does it really matter?
I don't know.
I'm guessing the "Asus rog Strix" outperformed both; assuming you could get an asus of the same quality, that might mean something.
A chart like the ones above would be great, if you can find one.
But since I cannot, 
A reviewer vendors like is pushing 
Asus X570 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero, whatever

Why is the world a toilet lately? (Sorry about this font)

I like this next site, it lists the two boards I'm seriously considering.

No, nevermind, The reviewer didn't get into performances, because (he said) the gag-order was on until after his review which reads more like a commercial.
In the comments, he mentions how he didn't like chipset-fans. So those enormous fans blowing onto the motherboard must be better than chipset fans? I am missing the logic somewhere.
*Apparently* snooty reviewers everywhere prefer beefy passive-heatsinks to fans.

sold out at a dealer near you

They don't update their reviews, 
they get their freebie and that's it, that's all-she-wrote.
I am prejudiced against Asus, read some Amazon Reviews to know why.
But honestly, my choices seem to be:
  • Godlike (because). But it's too much money.
  • Ace (and I'm giving up stuff. Does that matter??)
  • Asus rama-fallamma (because the kids love Asus, or something)
Aorus-Master (I think I saw it in a benchmark-comparison) was better on paper (The video reviewing another motherboard doesn't mention how, who or where they tested it, but I only glossed)

The question becomes, tweaking the crap out of an x470 or under-using an x570, or buying shoes instead.

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