
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Really random time elimination (with extreme prejudice)


They hate us, they really hate us

You could look at this ten different ways:

People are ill, get paid crap wages anyway, and don't see the enormous profit from one single part (let's assume they make ten parts a day.)

Or Intel and Whatcha Nvidia are pissed on AMD and want a chance to catch up

or the fab companies are being monopolized (think about the analogy of long lines to the women's restroom)

OK they don't hate us, not everyone is sick, but the cpu/gpu machines are all being used, I heard that somewhere.

How long does it take to cook a CPU?

I wanna edit-in a teeny rant about my last video card, which I paid too much for, only now it has matured and is worth (new) $750, and used, $250 or more.
What the hell does a person do with old hardware besides call some wreck-it guy?
Anyway if you're a neighbor with (what...?) $100 cash come get it.
I don't suppose you could flip this at the swap-meet, hmm

I've got a AGP-video card so old, (It's never actually been used and is wrapped in the original package)
so old it's an antique. It was to repair a notebook (some teeny POS) that really only needed a power-supply.
I think most of my wounded computers that people have asked me to diagnose had bad power, but it's like some episode of "House," wondering why the patient is stroking, bleeding out or in a coma, until the PS is changed and everything magically starts working (verrrrrrrry slllllllowwwwwly)

"List $1475"

A googled MSRP (when pigs fly in July)

I'm getting very suspicious that professional buyers buy stuff to flip it at way more than they paid, and companies are getting wise, but not wise enough (yet.)

So let's review a snooty site:
Pick a Card. Any Card.

BEG them for the card. If it's a popular card, leave emptyhanded, to the outer-darkness, where you can wail and gnash your teeth (Who gnashes their teeth??)
If it's an Unpopular card, 2019 or so or if it's so incredibly expensive (3090ti-ftw3-abc123)

You submit your request and leave quietly, standing next to the tooth gnasher for an undetermined amount of time.
Meantime smarter than you-people will figure a way to game the system, but I'm pretty sure you could get an $1800.00 card.
I don't really know why (It was prolly a TV rerun) very white skinny kids making fun of the outsider who has a 3900x or maybe a 3950x. Tossed-off new-Englander-sounding remarks (I don't know what they sound like so let's switch this to an episode of Dr. Who)
And if you managed to get a deal through your dad the lawyer for Best-Buy, paying 400 over list (According to my math, but then you need taxes),
the snooty bully would get pissed and slap your laptop to the linoleum floor.
Wait, would a 5950 even fit into a notebook?
No, he'd probably have something else in mind, he'd call you a cad and a bounder.
But that's only in New England.
In Texas they have other ways of saying "We don't like your kind here".
Or maybe they'd make it politically racist, since it wasn't Intel, the only approved brand in snobby ivy-leagues.

Profit at any cost: A puzzlement (I always forget the other word, it sounds (oh yeah) "Paradox")
If you make insurance cheaper and easier to access,
Possibly Buffy and Muffy (Biff?) would have a harder time playing at being candy stripers for their neighbors, but more importantly, the "great unwashed" would be richer, healthier and ready to demand stuff.
This might cause you to preemptively raise your prices (see above.)
In a proper republican society, the society must listen to you and beg for your favors, not sit back satisfied, bee cause satisfaction breeds laziness and demands for equal rights.

But I digress (wtf?) (Lol)
I only wanna know why medicare recipients cannot join medicaid, the poverty levels are too low (who lives that way?? Plus they get way better walkers)

One of the things people tell you (being indiscriminate here, "People" not "management", "Republicans", "Smoking men") is that Nitrogen is harmless, and the occasional death might be attributed more to suffocation from lack of oxygen, so there's nothing to worry about, do your job, be patriotic.

I'd google if LN2 is (uh wait) N2?
 "N" says some snobby regime-puppet. because Liquid would turn you crispy faster than microwaves could cook you.

In the olden days, bus and train riders could read one single paper and be more-or-less informed about yesterday's news, until they got home and watched TV.
 I'm forgetting a step...Anyway modern train-riders can and some actually do read news on their phones.

But skip to today, right this second, where SO MANY sites want you to PAY for the privilege priviledge knowledge (fucket) they want you to pay them for reading past the cute headline.
Advertising isn't good enough for them, they must have their cabal of readers contributing,
slaves worshipping every word on their site,
 (they'll still bombard you with ads)
Too many publications, not enough news they didn't just Pull off of AP, and quote "Fox" or any other interview style network.
I don't mind you asking for money but do you have to prostitute yourself on the front page of Google?
Be a whore but do it more discreetly, in your tiny town of tiny-minded people who actually care that you exist.

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