I can , uh, reach and be reached, on both IPv4 and IPv6.
It's just that "IPV6" or that newfangled thing I usually just call "IP6" cannot ping me.
Ah, damn, now I gotta swim back upstream using my freaking history, to repeat commands and wise sites.
If I'm only typing to *myself*, why bother?
Why can't I get out of italics? There! geez.
https://ipv6-test.com/pingtest/, but that looks tons like a site I just went to that said I was 10/10.
I'd *rather be "20/20" on a snobbier site.
Snobby 17/20 site |
Hoi polloi common unwashed "Liberal" site |
I wonder how much the token guy gets paid to Praise Donald Trump, (on my new teeny TV);
I wonder which nefarious sites are pinging me, and if I should STFU and be grateful I'm apparently unpingable.
There are other more important questions, such as whether it matters that my IPV6 should be "Open" or "secured" in my router.
I've always preferred "Secured" but for the purposes of this little exercise, I've set it to "Open", and it was fruitless, but now people in Guam looking for a "Quake"-server could probably find me, I'd better go back to secured, hmm.
Yous guys keep thinking up new things to hack. Well I don't P freely! (I don't think, I'm not sure) |
I just noticed, after rebooting the router last week, that my usual teeny-tiny, itty-bitty subnet is gargantuanly-huge, and I used to think that teeny-tiny subnets were better, but then WiFi was born and I'm not so sure.
Better because (I thought) one tiny bit more secure, but more troublesome now that WiFi exists.
Well, (hell,) I may as well go look and find the better blog.
I just spent 20 minutes (a little less) typing in my gateway's address for IPV6, and I would not know how to subnet it, I would not even try.
Is it going to change if I make my subnet smaller?
If, by some freak of nature or a curse, I'm broadcasting world wide, wouldn't it be TONS better to have a smaller subnet if only for that reason?
Ya know, I smoke too much when I reason these things out, and then I get headaches, and then I have to go to bed.
If a guy turns OFF IPv4 to test IPv6, it's a mélange of numbers and letters you'd better have jotted down beforehand.
31 numbers (one group of the eight groups of four is short) plus a password (and no, I don't know my password).
Then you have to remember that, um, browsers need the LONG number encased in Brackets
Http://[3400:etc:0023] or addressing the router won't work, (and google mocks you with your own super-secret number)
THEN you gotta remember *which* number to copy, lest you break into your own router from the front gate (which should not be possible, but I accidentally just did.)
I'll re-read this later, I have a headache, I'm going to bed!
I think I just wrote, *anyone* could get into my router from the front-end, if they could guess the password!
This next bit is not speculative but fact, however transitory, so
Listen up:
But I *might have it set wrong, for it is written (verily-verily, behold)
I shall apostate over to Google
(I was using it anyway but I felt guilty-and-latency-ridden)
This next bit doesn't apply to you, it's strictly for me and how difficult it is to buy a calendar you can see from several feet away, one for few appointments (that's what day-timers and iPhones are for)Large Numbers
Large Days
(Kitties, horses, unicorns, obscuring art very optional)
Durable (It has to last a freaking year)
A HOLE for hanging.
Tear off-pages a plus
(bottom, top, middle,) Last month's, next month's, a Plus!!
I used to pay tons to have Microsoft office print out a beautiful one, but it's not durable nor bound and has no hole.
The clueless and the uninformed (uninforming) calendars breed like chickens
Not a clue |
Butt-resizing butt hard to see
Move your (tiny) ass, you're blocking 3 months |
nnnno (tiny days, boxes huge, it's on a wall and "post-its" have been invented, heard of them?? (Geez already) (no hole?) |
When I pass-away, they'll marvel at my little hovel and say "For he truly was a crazy man"
Not a calendar, costs 100, looks like a prison clock |
You have to be blind + crazy to get what you want in this world (
But I have not read the fine-print, is it only in quantities of 100, or in Arabia, or only for AARP members?)
not being crazy nor blind (much, anymore) I acquiesce to the will of Landru and submit that I cannot get a calendar with last month/next month on the bottom.
But hey, the free-calendar real estate guy did not come through this year, times are tough so this would be good enough.
My unreadable calendar from the hospital (small, with microscopic numbers) will unceremoniously be shitcanned.
There's this OCD-habit I've never acquired, that puts X's on every preceding date.
And there are days-counting designs (sticks with crossed-out lines)...
no, this (above pic) will be my calendar, minus durability and future-ability.
This might be nice too |
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