
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bland. James Bland

 I'm sick again and out of Imodium. 
I don't know why, probably Soy or "An undigested bit of beef."
Earlier today when I felt better, I thought it would be nice to call out most of the foods I hate, entitling it "xenophobia" or somesuch.
But where do "Plantains" fit in? I should like them, they're not seafood, not fish-eggs, not baby-birds buried in their own eggs (which is a trendy thing in some countries.)
Papaya (I think, or is it "Mango"?)
Yams are from here, I think. Crawfish, Salmon, yeah I'm not prejudiced, I hate everything.

I like cows. 
Lambs, not so much.
Pigs make me sick, but it's a tasty way to get sick.
My stomach is a vegetarian, except Soy, it can't stand the stuff.
Years ago I thought I'd live on Tea (Lipton), but that's usually before some incredibly horrifying disease...
Don't live on Tea!

I'm all like, You could fail epically in German, OMG.
And with the rise of acronyms, a typo could get you killed.
Hast and hasst sound alike except one comes with a sort of a hiss, but they sound more similar (to me) than "his" and "Hiss"

I despair speaking in a foreign language anyway,
you must rrroll your arrs, and you must be able to pronounce "Bleu" and learn to say "OE" (rhymes with "Bleu")

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