
Saturday, February 20, 2021

notes for nobodys

A $329 Nvidia RTX 3060 was impossible to find, but you could give Newegg’s raffle a try - The Verge 

The GTX RTX 3060 Ti is there because the RX 6700 will also be there, soon, and they hope you'll buy the 3060 first. 

It's being compared to a 1660

which is a modern version of a 1060, which is what I have now.

Lemme see, I'll probably have to edit this because I have the numbers wrong or switched out a GT or an R.

The 3060 will have a small ding in the Bitcoin-capabilities, so gamers will get it, they say, rather than crypto miners, but when nothing is out there, *anything* is better than nothing, and the street prices have risen accordingly (IOW they're already pumping up the sub-400 price)

In normal times this would be given to your deficit deficient cousin or her sister, but these aren't normal times.

No word on what the 6700 will be like, except if it's compared to the rtx-3060, Nvidia will say,

"We meant to do that"

Last August

It's gonna truly suck kimchi if I have to buy *anything* right now.

I'm glossing over headlines concerning sino-american relations, 

Global “chip” situation, Biden team promises to solve the problem of chip shortage | TechNews Technology News – 6Park News En

after also glossing Diamond-Multimedia (the rx580 is from their website, in the reddit-answer to the question, "Are there any US-Made Cards.") Yeah it also sucks summarizing a long train of thought.

200k-a-year people just don't get why we're not happier than shit.

Folderol and stuff, useless rehashes, old news


Long Robust Lines

So there it is, Buy TSMC stock, sit by your fireplace and drink tea until 2022 


(notes on the note)

I've hopelessly confused the numbers and letters in my head.

"RTX"(formerly "GTX")=NVIDIA, "RX"=AMD, "Deficit" is from the "Godfather II" and is a word I can't find out right now that means "[he's'] slow"

frugal customers owning 1050's and the like, normally would switch to a 3060 (the number looks nicer), or wait in quiet-reserved anticipation for the 6700.

Kids living in nice neighborhoods next to oil-refineries might (normally) get their granddad or Uncle Jeff to spring for a RTX3080

The sub-Saharan tribes in wherever sub-sahara is, might get the 6700 as a PR-stunt by some politician in a foreign country....


everyone else (normally) would get 3080ftwOMG-TI-XT,

Beverly-hills denizens and rappers and drug dealers would opt for a 3090 and a RX6900 for their manager.

So not being a dealer nor a manager, I quietly await the second-coming of the RX-6900, or possibly an RX6800, not living in Bev-hills or anywhere close.

I *think* that's all correct, but I've always been bad at math, and all those letters give me dyslexia.

15 dead-days ends Friday...Money arrives before 3/15...so much math to learn (*sigh*)

Solar Panels are usually black/dark, too many solar panels could warm up the earth, causing Cyclones in the USA....
But what if solar panels were white?

My take: you can prove damn near anything you want using math.

Gigantic cooling pipes stuck into the arctic, where's the mathematical genius trying to prove that theory?
You could warm like there's no tomorrow as long as you kept the arctic way-cool.
Buuut noooo...(TBA)
My take (becuz ynot) "It depends upon what you cool and where (dummass) (Devil's advocate rebuttal, "HEAT the arctic for long-lasting pleasure (ignore that pool of water at your feet)"
If you're busy disseminating alarming info about global warming + promoting salt-cooled nuke-power,
PLUS you've got money to burn...
Go cool an ocean (one single ocean), the arctic.
Every time there was a bad winter people'd curse your name (because they love to curse names)
but you'd go to your grave knowing you made the earth colder for humanity.
You's all's missing it, there'd be nothing to pump, the arctic isn't a slushie, it (should) be a big-ass block of ice, preferably an unmovable one (So you wouldn't crush kill and destroy millions with it)
(It's a thing you talk about till you drown, freeze or fry)
Geoengineering Plan to Refreeze the Arctic Won't Save the Climate (gizmodo.com)
(and they should know, they're Gizmodo)

If you got your head out of Mars and concentrated on the earth, hmm.
Or are rich people looking to launch themselves OFF of this toilet planet where they could torture immigrants wanting jobs, food and medical care?? (It was a movie..o nevermind)

Google a disease (any disease) and the gross-and-disgusting will come out of your screen to show you their hideous scars.
Feel better now?
Except, your disease is probably worse, it only looks better (you never were all that photogenic...
Well...yeah (no, ew, kill it before it grows!!)
You'd think the podiatrist I'm seeing

would do more than break out his little clippers.

"You promised to Fix my face!!"
"It's chronic anyway, so let him lose his skin" (Obscure 'Godfather' reference)
(The dark, the [dis]colored...)

O nevermind
In a squirreled-up abortion of a webpage (they blame communication problems)
Which is NOT the movie from above, and is definitely and by far not the worst movie.
Geez, the nerve.
The gall.
The audacity.
If it's the movie I'm thinking of, Vincent price, Boris Karloff and Hazel Court  and Peter Lorre have a grand time trying to do comedy. She's too hot to be a comedian, Boris is too old (still scary) So that leaves Vincent, who just comes off weird.
Great movie, I hope they show it forever. 
But it isn't the above movie, the one they never show anymore, at all, ever, because you'd have to rent it or something.

I'm editing in a tiny rant, +

If diabetes is the villain it's a piss-poor one...I'd say it's a red herring (I gotta stop quoting obscure movies) "Blame Obama" whydont'cha

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