
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Valuable (A,f) Info II

 thandor.net - benchmark - Quake

Toofless old guy feels, uh, "inadequate" beecause Quake will only run 60fps in windows-proper, and around 64fps in safe-mode.
So let's review, my vsync in 1.09 is either stuck-on, or my videocard is too snooty for anything besides directx-9.
This was gonna be a gloat-entry, "look how fast my PC runs," but it doesn't, *notebooks* run faster.
I've recently discovered that "CPU-Z" either says, one or two cores run faster than All Cores,
Or, some of the cores are 99-cent-store cores (someone else has a very identical benchmark online.)

A single core should run at 1/32 speed of all cores, but that just isn't so, 
it runs at 1/20-something of all cores.
Being so bad at math that grade-school students can look down on me,
I *think* the bigger the denominator, the faster all the cores are running, OR the slower a *single* core runs.
so I'm either looking for the smallest denominator (faster single-core,) 
the largest denominator (faster-all-cores) or fucket and compare it to some website with my processor.

I think, based upon what I know, (which isn't much) that I'm either running the wrong benchmark,
(winquake-1.09, not "quake 1.08") and multicores are mostly marketing, or
(O nevermind, I'll edit/delete this later)

I seem to recall that you have to really jump through hoops to get quake to even run on a modern PC, or just say "fucket" and run winquake, and I don't know if there is a benchmark for winquake.
O goodie, I'll spend hours figuring out why I'm getting "29.9", come back and proudly wave some number around.

"2457.5 FPS", there ya go.

Things to do: 
Bury the dead (or buy a fireplace to perch them on)
Buy teeth
buy a wheelchair.
Buy (see last month (erased) a thermostat, a heatsink, a special fan, 
or ignore all that and buy the videocard befitting quake-2020, Which you can all look back and laugh at once your newborn kid turns 10.
My brother used to have a fireplace, I think...before he lost his house...which was pre-covid, but to all house-losing people, how is 1400 gonna help?
They pay four-times that (they used to pay four times that), plus the car, the insurance, and the registration, and their phone, and their license.
Now lets imagine they got 1400, about what it takes to go to disneyworld, from the motel they're living in now, on a fancy tour-bus (no car).
I wonder why they never suspended fees for cars, assisted with insurance, suspended credit-cards (and the monthly payments) and I don't know about mortgages.
A computer somewhere knows I paid a license-fee, but I was supposed to go in person, so is that fee a fart in the Sahara?
The sims tries to imitate real-life, tongue-in-cheek naivete naivety (crap spellchecker is asleep)
"naiveté" notwithstanding. I mean, Laundry doesn't come out of the dryer neatly pressed and folded, and the air is no place to store it, but I'm only here to say, "Lose the Vault!!" because it raises taxes.
Well, waitasec, the tongue-in-cheek part is that for every huge tax bill there are enormous tax breaks,
so a 750,000 WEEKLY tax bill comes with a 500K tax-BREAK.
Losing my vault also lost my enormous tax break.
I still owe money!!
Less than a rich person with beaucoup tax breaks, I swear they hired HR Block to write that part of the game.
For my next trick, I shall piss away 9-million, to see if it (uh) where was I?



Have you heard the latest? "Two masks are better than one" 

which I wrote about way-last year,* they need better masks so "first responders" (our vaunted heroes) don't have to work so hard.

Plastic-face-shields a plus.

In case you haven't heard,

Hospitals still ration medical N95 masks as stockpiles swell (msn.com)

It's a meme already

Related story, fake n95's abound

N95 from the "3N" Company

but I'm diluting my own freaking rant, which is, if they took masks seriously in the first damn-place and handed them out, not treat us like cattle and push turtleneck sweaters and scarves, (geez) the heroes could be resting on their collective laurels now.

NOW, to protect us against republicans refusing masks and those who'll ALWAYS be carriers because they're refusing Vaccinations (anti-vaxers, it's a thing that has a name),

we still need better masks.

not herd-yada-whatever, unless you think you're not one of the 10% (40%, the figure changes) whose vaccine will do nothing.

(95,82,66, whatever. You prolly (might not) die if you're vaccinated.
Meanwhile, masks go underreported

I'd need 20 links to back up what I just ranted or risk banishment...it's all there. "Google is your friend" as you're so fond of parroting.

*unfortunately my inadequate blogs get erased regularly, 
then it comes back to bite me in the butt,
 because whatever I say I mumbled before,
 has no proof to back it up.
Plus this one will get erased very soon.

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