
Monday, March 15, 2021

New train (busted hotness)

 Train-car #1: Event-viewer, device manager show an unfamiliar (to me) warning, that the program "MFC" is from an unknown publisher and was blocked.
Solution: Hit it upside the head to knock it out (disable UAL in registry)
and (the solution continues) run "SFC /scannow" except it won't run,
and "DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" says everything's great, 
hunky dory, peachy-keen (who writes these hard to remember commands anyway??)
He talky me barbulas...mebbe, I dunno

and Chkdsk reports no error

ICACLS is useless (it's a thing you type to make advice-giving websites happy)

Only "SFC" sends out a plaintive wail; CBS.Log translates and says a file I never ever use and erased anyway, was corrupt.
so...uh...That's it.
I'm in deep shit.
Don't know why.

My first instinct is to resurrect my backup, but office is a bwitch librarian who will throw me out of her dusty little library because I've reinstalled too many times already.

Edit: I ignored the librarian and installed from a backup, she'll be pissed, but whatever.

so now MSN works. Yay.

My busted hotness might be related to paranoid security, considering the current news.
If you break into something, tell everyone you know worldwide what you broke into and stole, you're a hero.
I told about google listening in, it's permanently affixed to the page you're reading, but maybe I was only mumbling to myself when I said that I don't trust clouds (any cloud, *the cloud*, it's too tempting a target for punk hackers on a mission.

I admit, I'm a little scared those warning messages about MFC were from some biggie hacked-up program, I was about to think "nah, couldn't be" but the millions of hits I got looking for answers might have been fellow victims.
Nah, couldn't be.
Could it??
Two updates have gone into this thing and it has not returned, the whole "mfc-blocked" thing. It was a virus, or I inadvertently listened to the wrong advice and set something wrong in my registry.
Either way I'm spooked, lotsa creepy feelings here.
Have you ever watched ghost/vampire shows (witch shows) where the evil is so widespread and everyday that the heroes take it in stride, just another day at the office? I'm not there yet.

Banks, emails, online stores, password-sync-storage, they all qualify as tempting clouds for hackers....

PS MSIE was totally blocked from going to MSN.Com, not sure why, but in safe-mode it works perfectly.
Lemme guess, an overly helpful (or really evil) program is running to block stuff?

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