
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

old non-busted train

 OK let's see...steam and Wemod are NOT installed yet, the modem seems all right for now 

(either we had an outage or a fat juicy bug lives in it)

and (ta-da!!)

version 21332 was not the culprit.

I need system-restore to do a restore-point quick, but I want to rant beforehand that they disable it with every new version, which is to say, every damned week. "21337" arrived when I was napping and erased all my restores, but I stubbornly put them back.

One day, probably soon, some hacker will get cute and hijack windows' update system; but it's too horrible a thought to think about right now; I'll think about it tomorrow. (Tomorrow is another day/update)


My little tweaks I do after updates won't get done, because One of those tweaks might have been the problem!!

Set a restore, install steam, set another restore, install Wemod, play my game, see what happens (and hope the modem cooperates)

Some news article, from the same people who brought you "The checks will be here this weekend" then "This MOnday" now write "The checks will be here on the 17th" which happens to be tomorrow.

I wonder where they get this info, do they make it up 


I'm editing this and it's becoming increasingly disjointed, but the gist of all this mélange of links is, that it's hard to know who to believe. (and when my check/deposit gets here)

This needs a link or two but who cares, I'm off to maintain a restore-thing.

And if it's an omen, (I don't know that it is,) a letter was sent March 1st for a direct-deposit I received Jan 1st.

It took them two freaking months to send the letter telling me about the check...I'm not optimistic. 

I mean, will it be a direct-deposit, like Jan 1, will it be a check (like the one before it) or will it be eaten by collectors?

Asking questions is dangerous


The above link has no actual answer, try all that stuff and nothing works, but...apparently "Smartscreen" is under suspicion for trying too hard.

I'm not sure if, once enabled, it can't be put back into its quiescent-hole. In my case, no.


(disable security) did not help either.

Nope, maybe a bit got corrupted.....?

I'll run "SFC /scannow" when I'm bored, nervous, tired, on slow days, and on alternate Tuesdays, blue moons, and whenever else I feel like it.

Things I should do: Medication logs

Computer modification logs 

learn more about shapes of cars (it's not important why) (well, it is, but you have a memory and I do not)

I lost my only teaspoon this morning, in a small house, in a smaller room. You can't keep logs of stuff you lose, it just gives you depression and despair.

Lexus, Kia, Mercedes? I don't know

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