
Monday, March 29, 2021

Why do you love cop shows and westerns so much??

 Boring old shows from the fifties and Baseball games in the afternoon.

Old shows..... Old...

WTF is "the monroe doctrine" and why do only school-kids know?

We need a good show called "History of the world and everything in it", maybe a series.

Wait, don't they have one already called "Connections"?


We're done. Always and forever there's a total non-sequitur "Page 2"

Asian inventors, Discovery of the cancer Virus, (20% of cancers can be caused by Viruses, but (they rush to assure you) having such a virus does not mean you'll get cancer (??...!!)

One of the most famous inventors of the 20th century and you don't know her name....

unless I'm being unduly influenced by the liberal media (and we can thank Texas for whatever she discovered)

But assuming for the moment it's true...

I mean, My Gawd, you go ON and ON about the traffic-signal and the guy who thought of applications for peanuts...what about this lady?

Flossie Wong-Staal

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