
Sunday, April 4, 2021

conflicting information (the picture)


(Don't eat almonds, cashews, you're ruining the world...)

Whoever wrote this propaganda must've been from New York City (New York City!!!)
Or Texas ("We don't like your kind here")

If you can't see this picture, this entry is pointless

Your kidneys will hate you, your (uh...slow-down, train-of-thought)

Your stomach will be in a bad mood, but your heart will love you and doctors will smile at your tests.


"3-4 cashews daily", um, what about 30-40 a day (300/400??)

I buy a probiotic (can't think of the name) because it's cheaper than "Creon," to deal with the fat.

I should eat more of that probiotic, hmm.

I eat several (3-4) Imodiums daily to put my stomach to rest.

Uhh (despairing look) I was just wondering....


Oxalate, isn't that the stuff that removes lime/rust from bathtubs??

It's three days and 16-ounces of cashews later.............
Right this second I can't type to save my life,
but I wanted to rant slightly about the crunchiest nuts, highly praised by critics and hated by me, for practical reasons...They're very hard on my mouth, and they don't taste as good as cheapo nuts.
Cheapass nuts FTW!!!
Bits and pieces, Yes!!
"Nuts-dot-com" is probably fine for young, strong nut-critics...not for me.

BIOS gets changed monthly here, and they keep saying it's Beta, 
and it never (ever) flashes by-the-book, 
it stops midway and sort of drifts off...
(*what?* Oh!)
But after rebooting it appears to work, except I need to keep a record of the BIOS settings.

So, yeah, this flaky intro explains my next picture, which needs to be larger.
Please don't judge my slow settings, they *appear* to work, for the last couple of BIOS revisions.
This should be larger to be readable (*sigh*) well, hopefully it helps in the future
(although I can't see how, not having a printer)

Picture, followed by indeterminate caption
We got yer video-card...Right Here!!
B'bye, card
No Sale for you!!
(The stock market rose fell yesterday (actually it didn't g.a.s.)

Apparently My USB-stuff is shiny-new and knowledgeable now, with the new(er) BIOS. My board COULD have a 5950, Could have a 6800xt, but I'm too poor, my old bones won't enter into the promised land, my motherboard will wither and die before I'm able to buy either one.
"The best ones", said the pontificator yesterday. No, the MID-RANGE one, yew turkey.
"They're ALL $1500" said another, quoting me.
Well, I was wrong, $1500 isn't enough to satisfy your salivating greed, your avarice, May your cargo rot until the prices drop, Worm

Have a nice day! 😂

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