
Friday, April 2, 2021

Post apocalyptic fictional musings

 Topical edit:


I would take issue with "nihilism" as defined in their single-sentence....

And since we're all being so glib:

Nihilists believe life is meaningless, while *fatalists* believe we're all fucked no matter what.

It occurs to me that *Some* people, well-armed preppers, come to this conclusion after a few world events, and go postal, (but that's too glib even for me).

We exist, but existence is meaningless, and we're all circling the drain of inevitability. 

Glib-facile Fatalistic-nihilists who stared at the book-cover while their girlfriend was browsing the self-help book section, might easily become (insert several biggie words here) and, antisocial.

But it's more complicated than that;

We're doomed, but best to make our time left mean something.

Get religious...Write a book...If Steve Jobs really *is* on the other side checking ID's and who is worthy, it might be nice to know the secret nod of the all-knowing All Seeing eye, and the magic catchphrase.

Plus people 'll glom onto you like bad smells to get answers from the guy who has no belief but (by faith, hopeless inevitable and self-fulfilling) you carry on , and you'll get rich and have 5000.00 tennis-shoes. Thereby fulfilling the stewardship motto that you invested wisely and well, and are welcome into the Golden Kingdom.

O, you don't see where I'm going? It was inevitable that you'd say that, I think your religious rites are mostly useless, Luke 11:37–54 and Matthew 23:1–39. Mark 12:35–40 and Luke 20:45–47 (Saith Wikipedia)

You always have links with you....

Fatalist="Predestination"= "God has a plan for your life"

Nihilism "Be in the world but not of the world" (which means whatever you want it to mean, like maybe never watching TV or only watching "Tucker Carlson" and his ilk.)

Be not involved 

Who Died?? What were you smoking? (I'll come up with better snarky phrases)


Hew? Whut? 

What's that quote from Peter O'Toole playing a teacher, that nothing is accomplished  without passion?
A movie, "Creator", from the eighties. It made the 3AM tv-circuit for a while, but you'd much rather watch 40's killers and 30's dancers. (Yeah I'm mystified at the really bad movies you covet over the good ones.)
A fatalistic movie (the plot never changes) that is definitely anti-nihilist.

Edited in just now cuz itz topical:


I forget this, I need to write it down.
Ka is soul,
I get them switched.
"I really love your Ka"
"phht you only love me for my Ha"

At this point I am tempted to reproduce sexy words translated into "Coptic", the oldest named language of Egypt I can find on Google (IE, where "ha/Ka" are prolly from)
But I stifle myself, knowing that it's a sin somewhere.

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