
Monday, May 31, 2021


 This subject is boring and frequently misinterpreted, and I have doubts.
People couch their doubts in History-of-the-world stuff, let's not go into it.
Once a drive has been told to come collect the garbage, when does it actually come collecting it?
I was told when you were all kids that it could only happen when the disk was totally idle, and it's *never* idle except maybe in safe-mode command prompt, or a high level of sleep.
I bought a program all those years ago (for SSD's, the pancake-sized ones) to force Trim, and you could see it happening. The whole system would grind to a halt. 
But the program refuses to work on modern SSD's and NVME-M.2's.
We're back where we started, does the drive ever really TRIM ?
See, cuz, a drive slows down, supposedly, when it runs out of pristine space.
Pristine-space being empty+ trimmed (o nevermind)
If this were a new wifi unit I'd be blathering on about frequencies, a cable, the length.
So yeah, boring stuff that comes up every few years and is dropped 
(Because everyone's got an asshole-opinion, and doubtless controllers all work a little differently)

I've got time, I can rant....

Imagine you went to a medieval prison, like the one in Skyrim (I *think* it's skyrim.)
The prison was abandoned long ago but some of the cells still have ghosts who never wanted to leave.

Data in windows can be left to rot as soon as windows cuts off its head, but never really touches the actual data, which sits there, for eternity.
Trim (yada harrumph folderol) and the drive is prepared for the next file, which shouldn't have to clean and change the linens beforehand.
Yes the room is marked empty, but it's clean and neat, cells empty, bathroom sanitized, in preparation for the next guest.
Is the maid so surreptitious that she works invisibly, or does she knock loudly at odd hours ("HOUSEKEEPING!!")
You, the tourist, are supposed to be at the zoo, not laying in bed at 10AM.

OK back to TRIM, half the people you ask will say it's surreptitious and invisible.
Half misinterpret what Trim actually is,
 half get pissed off 
Someone wants to ban you
and you're accused of being a rabble rouser and not agreeing that
"Google is your friend" (full of cracker-barrel tinhorns like the guy who said that)

You wouldn't praise a person waiting on the street for their nice suit, man or woman, they'd think you were an underhanded salesman or look at your rags and say something snarky. 
 "Congratulations on saving that dog from a bus," 
 "You're a hero" (based upon your uniform) would be more appropriate.
In other words, praise the person, not how they look, society dictates.
Even though how they look is of paramount importance (ignore that dustin hoffman movie entitled "Hero")
 And so an article that insistently blocks itself 
to get you to give your email, 
to subscribe, is no longer worth reading, no matter the content. (it's a depressing POV about Taiwan, Covid and um, oh yeah "TSMC")
But it has a real nice picture.

"Nice eyes" is probably the wrong thing to say worldwide.
"Nice uniform" 
"You're a hero", yada blah etc.
(Nice eyes)
TLDR TSMC's future seemed bright, until everyone got sick, and now no one really knows (Says the article)
I'll choose to differ with their outlook.
 TSMC is so big they can import whoever from wherever, 
and raise their prices high like oil companies, they're worshipped from afar, let's face it.
A machine makes chips.
Train someone to run the machine, and make tons
Don't cry for me argentina

I misread their headline; it isn't saying anything about a second wave, it's acknowledging that one more single employee got sick.
(an employee that no longer works there because he's sick.) I want my video card!! Will I ever get one?
Sorry about the sick guy. 

I wonder if they sell T-Shirts?

AMD is making Epyc, is making Ryzen 8000's, they're just not saying much (anything) about
Video cards


Fockin a! We are in hell. (and any other depressing quotes you wanna add)

I'm no dog, quit teasing me!!
I'd say that in Taiwanese but it might come out wrong

Speaking of underhanded salesmen (see my 'lousy' intro), "Piperine" is a fancy way of saying "Black pepper" and whoever told you about Turmeric should have also mentioned Piperine.
What I don't understand is why the expensive version of Turmeric has no piperine, maybe that's from a different company?
Anyhow, my local drug store doesn't seem to sell piperine, but I'm pretty sure they have salt and pepper, and I need both anyway.
This is a note to myself, to buy salt and pepper/piperine.

Today's news is so unbelievably depressing I can't really say much about it.

And Meat was hacked.
Prices may skyrocket (like they didn't already).
And the facebook false-thingy (different can of worms, down, sit, stay)

That box on top of google's front page has some inane political story (go look) while below, death and destruction reign.
and god only knows what the hell you read and declare to be fact.
I'm editing this as I type and it still makes no sense.
I want my video card!

Certificate for local system with Thumbprint (yada)4a 86 ca 1a 40 a8 00 e6 80 d0 is about to expire or already expired. 

"But questions have to be asked as to how Microsoft’s security certificate for xboxlive.com managed to leak onto the internet in the first place. 
This is information that should be treated like the Crown Jewels, heavily defended from unauthorised access because of the potential for serious harm to be caused. 
 We have to be thankful that remediating the problem is as simple as updating the list of trusted certificates, but you really would hope that a software giant like Microsoft would have such important security certificates under tighter guard than this." 
This inscrutable subject is a matter of profit vs everything else. Pissant game musn't be pirated and run by anyone else, musn't be hosted and authorized by any other website. It has little to do with security (yours), you buy "smart locks" for security. Trump has many investors, think about it. if all those investors can claim antifa vs qanon, (think tide raising all boats).
"Security is a red herring"
"leaked" sounds better in a headline

ROTD picture
DIY Infrastructure
Low profit Margin
(Insert some biased PC headline here)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

cosmic questions

 'IpICSHlpStopSharing' : '0x80070032'.

Disable (what? SHaring? nononono) "Server", "workstation"

Because, fuckem

(useless rotting-fruit google)


And after you disable workstation/Server, what breaks?? (To be continued)


You probably don't download files constantly using a multithread mongo of a download manager,

no, you read scripture from trump, download a few pictures, maybe a music file or two, but you *do* download (so you'll pay zillions to get the satisfying speed and power).

OK enough intro. Because you'll either get this or you won't: That curvy line at the beginning is what I am saying is your real speed, and anything you can do to make that teeny bit faster would be nice.

Whatsit called, who would you ask, cosmic question.

461 is really 217 (or so) and 23 is actually "17".

so real honest to god everyday stuff (I am positing) is 217/17.

It's been lots worse, so no biggie, but it makes a person wonder.

Google is prolly too liberal, too woke for you, but it's what I mostly download

If you can read this, you have a nice optometrist! Now go back to bed.


(Ignore it, it's by design) helluva designer, what?

Not for nuthin but....If you allow it to run, do Satan's minions fly down and kill your PC?

Just wondering.
"Mom, I choose the danger" (sorry, errant train-o-thought


related (sort of), when I clip a picture that is a long quote in teeny print, It's difficult to cram it into the limited amount of screen-space most people have. 1024x768 is pretty hopeless.
So....what to do. Try to trim quotes, and failing that, hope you all know how to scroll 
(Or remember that no one reads this stuff anyway)

Subjects so high I cannot write about them.

disable smb (snb??)

Disable 8dot3 (If you wanted it disabled why didn't you just disable it??)

Vestigial? Does not Apply? (I dare you to google an answer)
GSE Sliding.

Suppose...Just suppose...Your efficient little system is checking your license for Office and windows, 
is checking for new drivers (ah, there's one, and it starts downloading), is doing a zillion other things I can't think up right this second, 
And your game locks up.
and the zillion other things suddenly get Alzheimer's, the efficient cache is wiped away like the sand
next to the tide under the moonlight, and you wonder (everyone does eventually) why that system from 1990 still works and yours is always dying.
I wonder too, if a system that is supposed to do many things suddenly crashes and cache is wiped, is it better/faster than the systems that only did one or two things?
A common complaint amongst windows-users on laptops is, the drive is constantly churning, it runs hot and stuff seems slow....
I don't have an answer, it's one of those cosmic-type questions. Are we better off on 1990's style PC's using a notepad to type their thoughts into a forum (if they ever did that)??
If you're buying faster and faster stuff to outpace the shit-tide of stuff they keep adding on (the weather?)....>?
What's it called when you're dying in some stone dungeon and someone brings you chicken-soup?
And the divine music starts to play
placenta-poblano-panacea-purgative (no, no, no!!)
Well anyway,
Medicine is mostly Mental

The disembodied voices mumble something about backups.
But MY backup is a system-image.
I, uh, forgot a thing to add...Well if the stuff is there to disable, uh, (I forgot)
why not??

I'm about to reveal a teeny tome I'm writing that no other reader has seen, culled from the (something-something) secrets of the ages.
Not for nothing but, Do the stuff or don't do it, why bury it and call it arcane.

wevtutil el | Foreach-Object {wevtutil cl "$_"};Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false;Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase;bcdedit /set useplatformclock false;netsh int tcp set global timestamps=disabled;netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

regedit: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/jpeg, from JFIF to JPG in extension

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:WIM:c:\install.wim:1 /LimitAccess
   sfc /scannow
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s d:\downloads
"fsutil 8dot3name set 1"
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false


Did I pass? Am I worthy?
(it sucks not knowing)

I wrote a cosmic (while eating lunch and killing rampant bugs, excuse the typos) question and some malevolent force ate it:

They kind of hint that smart locks outside of the hive-mind will be back into the fold, not that everyone will be able to binge movies forever.
But I wonder (In my malevolently eaten train of thought)
would evil people *working* for the benevolent big-brother Amazon , misuse their services?
TLDR can you trust Amazon with your credit card?
Evil hackers exist (another TLDR) aren't you just handing them a biggie Christmas-present hacking tool?
I mean, c'mon, "smart locks"?

 Now tell me the one about how secure garage door openers are.

But let me be even more frank, if you're worried about Russia hacking the political system, what about them hacking into your front door??
Photographic memory for useless trivia

I seriously need a new entry to explain what I just learned (specifically) and already knew (generally)
That fiction (they're telling me about two books) is WAAAAY more believed than 
(than what, "reality"?
and maybe (or the report is sensationalistic, hmm) it matters tons what you read, and even more what you write!! (O geez)
Learn to knit.
Read, (uh) "Henry Kissinger"

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Midnight Train: 

What attracts my Serengeti of little bugs to my sink nightly; 
how can I trap them to their deaths.

 Medusa (says the train) was badmouthed for centuries. 
Actually she was more like Rapunzel (note: who is "Circe?")

Traptress- theme:

Incredibly beautiful woman has family (of pets/whatever) to feed, stands out in front yard in scanty clothing, singing (or just looking hot,) attracting rescuers to their deaths (because they don't notice the narrow chasm, the bed of deadly thorns surrounding the bump they trip over, the burning coal aimed at their head)

But if they ever actually made it to Medusa, they'd notice (too late) it was all makeup and spanx, and die from her dagger.

Her dogs ate well (her family, kids, ugly husband, whatever)


immortal bugs feeding on the fungus need to be irresistibly attracted.

An impossibility, that guy pushing rocks up a mountain would have better luck.

Somewhere in here (naw it's too-too long and tortuous a story) I need to add a narrative about Karen, the sixth-grade hottie, pure as the driven snow, standing at her front door, urged on by the evil Janet, who calls the wandering wayfarer from across the street (who is only there to sell their quota of chocolate.)

In other words, it's all a setup.

The wayfarer falls (but narrowly avoids death by embarrassment,) makes it to Karen, who smiles and shoots meaningful looks at the sadistic Janet who watches from afar.

The wayfarer remembers Karen vaguely, Janet fills in the rest, and the fall and the crack on the head erase any memories they might have had...she's a generic hottie. Who she was, why the wayfarer was supposed to know her, what he was supposed to say, is all lost to the sidewalk.

Killing a bug manually next to my PC caused the PC-Gods to really get pissed.

OK for one thing, my new drive has had "three unsafe shutdowns" instead of two.

This USELESS statistic is only there to accuse and denigrate. (The 970-Pro now has 524 (0x20C) unsafe shutdowns, but it soldiers on)

But somehow (I forget how)

It brings you inexorably into the nag-of--all-time, the "Windows event viewer"

Which is a subway ranter of errors.

It rants on, Microsoft ignores it, and implies, so should you.

But wait, Microsoft is the one feeding the event viewer rant-material (telling it what to say!!)

Microsoft, sadistic-janet, peas in a pod.

Cover your eyes (disable the log)
Disable the service
Ignore it completely.

Gnashed teeth await you next to the bump, which is next to the bottomless pit.
An average bum, a schmo,
doesn't want to worry about hard drives, doesn't want to be made fun of, so he reaches DEEP into his pockets for the most reliable (nvme) drive in the world.
(Being very bitter that they seem to fail every 18 months or so)

But the freebie-suckers, devils and temptresses, declare whatever freebie of the month to be best.
Best for who?
Abandon all belief, ye who read their stuff.

The cult of the hypnotized, (I can't think of sheep-adjectives right this second, I'm hungry)

https://techreport.com/review/27909/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-theyre-all-dead/ is a kind of a dated but extremely interesting report, IF you don't already know that a very few Borg-type conglomerates bought up everything everywhere since then, assimilated, merged and acquired,

If you're a vendor,
If you're a tiny vendor looking for a biggie break,
Prove (Through online bullshit, charts and graphs)
That it'll last 10 years,
Make out like Tesla, Burn your profits on the moon,
Run for President.
(buut Nooooo)

Oshit, that sucker is loong...I'll get back to you
I've edited out most of this, because prices change drastically, availability too.
I do not know anything anymore,
including if a so-called datacenter drive even works in a consumer's motherboard (we know it's very long, but is that it?)

983ZET if I win a prize,
983DCT if nothing comes out better by the time I need another SSD,
PM983 because, Hmm
(what's with "983" anyway? is it like "501 jeans"?)  (I'm too busy killing bugs to care very much)
The rocky cracked screwed up logic:
A fat man can buy high quality chairs to sit on for years, or LOTS of shitty chairs that (collectively) will last the same amount of time, with the biggie bonus that he can impress visitors with his large collection of chairs!!
I  choose the few quality chairs over the mass of crappy ones, but I'm outvoted, I think.
Tons of dusty tomes to read ("NVME 1.2b"???)
You cannot read that, you're not meant to, but if I decipher some of the words like someone reading a newspaper in Spanish using his year-one spanish knowledge,
 I *Think* it says what I predicted, 
the latest NVME setups will reserve a small amount of memory that never gets turned off. 
 See, it's a long boring story that windows sends data to a drive the way you'd mail a letter, 
but it takes a while for the drive to process that information and store it away.
 If there's a power loss, bad things happen, and they appear to be correcting that. 
 Yo no se.
In case it doesn't say that, and I'm not claiming it did,
uhm, Look up "nvme "PMR"
(It does not help that the people claiming to know this hardcore-trivia, talk like they're on a different planet) https://linustechtips.com/topic/1310873-will-i-notice-nvme-14-and-high-iops-of-new-ssd-drives/

This next part comes strictly from my gut, based upon dusty articles I read years ago:
The wear-leveling part of an SSD's cache-controller, might depend upon cache being *enabled*, no matter what dire predictions you read about power outages.
In other words, if what I think is true really is, then the drive lasts lots longer with its own internal cache controller enabled.
If not, (what do I know.)
A preachy quote follows, A pedantic-through-and-through guy loving to quote the history of the world and everything in it,
So, according to him, I should either be a server or a laptop.
A server because, 
being richer than God, 
I wouldn't even notice the extra-fancy gewgaws on a server SSD; 
or a laptop, because my battery is regularly charged
 (every few hours) and the SSD's are constantly fed power.
 If the above isn't true (it isn't)
I'm doing it wrong.
Do I disable cache to prolong the SSD's life and have a little more insurance against corruption?
Do wear-leveling ("FTL") and Cache go together, does disabling one disable the other?
Cache (is supposed to) work bidirectionally. Constantly accessed data, constantly written data,
might be cached by a really smart controller, but I might be giving controllers too much credit.
These guys are opaque, by their verbiage, by their bombastic ways.

I'm thinking right this second of the poor pariah who went around asking experts about disabling write-cache (on the actual drive, which is possible, except they made fun)
I'm thinking of My Very very first SSD, an excellent thing that worked at the identical speed, 
whether or not windows-cache was enabled, but every drive after that worked lots slower.
(I've been afraid to benchmark my latest drive that way; Historically speaking my drives don't last half as long as the bombastic pundits' ones in most forums)
Windows-Write-Cache DISabled; fucket.
I still don't know about wear-leveling but Windows would have little or nothing to do with that.

Windows Cache Disabled (I can see why people'd wanna enable it...but...)
The 970-pro currently has a special nvme driver on my system, which it might not need, which might actually be slowing the drive.
Do I wanna wear down the middle-aged drive even more by switching to the standard NVME-driver and retesting?
Edited-in note:
You-Too!!!! can have your dreams come true! If you only disable 8-dot-3 (AKA "8.3") filename creation.
Many pleasant yadas and Blahs!! (that don't mean jack)
Pie-in-sky salesman (maybe if you get off on creating One-Million files and cramming them into a directory....
Or is that, 100k 1-meg files.
The files would be small and slow down your SSD anyway.
My test speed thingy ("crystal disk yada") doesn't show a whit of difference, but then it most probably does not create 1-MILLLion files either.

One day when you're old and gray,
This little tip will have saved you 1 million milliseconds (or so)

I'm pissed and bitter because they (the forum denizens) either have way more expensive stuff, or read marketing brochures and parrot what they read!!
I can't remember what happened to that very first drive, my memory isn't that good.
I seem to recall, generally, that "event viewer" records some cryptic errors, and sometimes the computer acts slowly.
They never die, they just
"best to enable because yada"

Don'tcha hate it when your brain dies when smart people talk??
"SRAM," whut? FTL (o...k) HMB(?) oshiiiit
It's tied in with FTL (wear-leveling) I kinda knew that. But whut, how.."Buy Intel" seems to be their bottom line.
Fine but does "Optane" work like a normal drive or do you need a special optane thingy??

..."and the horse you rode in on":
You are unworthy. UNWORTHY!!

I *like* Pictures!!! (dammit)
I'm smarter than I look. Cache Fights cavities!!!

External, Internal, power is power (dammit)
But MY (ahem) feeling is that the drive's internal cache should be left alone.
I said it. F&*^ (have a nice day!)
The proverbial "External drive" is beating the pants off of my NVMEs in some categories, but it's cheating because it is using Cache, and *I* only care once a month for a half hour, to do backups.
But does it get too hot??

Hull Temperature is reaching Critical

Remind me to start arranging it so a fan blows on it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

21390 Some corrections

 If you follow these entries (and no one I know does)
I wrote that there was a pause in displaying the "Downloads" directory.
I'm almost sure I figured that out, but it's tough and tedious to type the words to explain.

As opposed to

If you're observant you'll see that this exact same directory has different names.
One name is my computer's main-download-directory,
and the other is "D:\downloads" which I've set up to be my main download directory (but the directory would exist whether or not I did that)
The computer consistently pauses and says "Working on it" 
when I click on the area containing the main download directory, but only once, as if it were copying something to an empty area.

This only happens once per logon, and after that, no difference.
I'm creeped out every time; is it copying the names to "One-drive", or just to some empty cache area?
I try to remember to always click "D:\downloads" which never has a pause.
If any of you talked, I'd ask if this is the case with you, but...
you might be using an older more stable version that does not do this,
or (more likely) I have something set wrong.
For example, I disable prefetch ("Sysmain") on this thing.

And, if you follow these entries, you'll know I associate the version numbers with what happened in the years coinciding with the versions (it isn't important but it sets up this next sentence):
1990, computers ceased being prehistoric and were sold with several megabytes of memory preinstalled, and a CD-ROM. 
Well anyway, that's how I remember it. 
You still had to dial into a service to get online...the internet probably existed but everyone used AOL (as I recall). The pretty-lady on some news show would sign off by saying you could reach them on yedabla At AOL (I don't remember the exact AOL account names.)
Yep, I'm officially decrepit, remembering something no one cares about...
1990 was not a memorable year.

1979 1985 19 (o whatever)

Nicotine-yellow Monitors and rectangular cases That thumped.

Godawfully expensive editors (WYSIWYG was a snooty buzzword)
and little chips you bought at egghead, were what your ancestors used to be snooty.
300 to 1200 to 2400 baud modems (they still said "Baud")
I will now launch a research project in search of the emoji invention date.
Your dot matrix printer did :) forever,
 but who converted "Happy face" 

into a tool for winning friends and influencing people? 
Unfortunately, that information is like much of anything else on the internet, morphed to satisfy an author.
Juicy examples exist but they're off-topic, but very topical.

If I find the one about liberals sending subliminal waves to keep the armed on edge (oh yeah, "Video games", nevermind)

 (You can't really trust facts made up on webpages, including mine)

Having said that,

But I seem to recall Windows having font characters no one used that today could be considered emojis??