
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

21390 Some corrections

 If you follow these entries (and no one I know does)
I wrote that there was a pause in displaying the "Downloads" directory.
I'm almost sure I figured that out, but it's tough and tedious to type the words to explain.

As opposed to

If you're observant you'll see that this exact same directory has different names.
One name is my computer's main-download-directory,
and the other is "D:\downloads" which I've set up to be my main download directory (but the directory would exist whether or not I did that)
The computer consistently pauses and says "Working on it" 
when I click on the area containing the main download directory, but only once, as if it were copying something to an empty area.

This only happens once per logon, and after that, no difference.
I'm creeped out every time; is it copying the names to "One-drive", or just to some empty cache area?
I try to remember to always click "D:\downloads" which never has a pause.
If any of you talked, I'd ask if this is the case with you, but...
you might be using an older more stable version that does not do this,
or (more likely) I have something set wrong.
For example, I disable prefetch ("Sysmain") on this thing.

And, if you follow these entries, you'll know I associate the version numbers with what happened in the years coinciding with the versions (it isn't important but it sets up this next sentence):
1990, computers ceased being prehistoric and were sold with several megabytes of memory preinstalled, and a CD-ROM. 
Well anyway, that's how I remember it. 
You still had to dial into a service to get online...the internet probably existed but everyone used AOL (as I recall). The pretty-lady on some news show would sign off by saying you could reach them on yedabla At AOL (I don't remember the exact AOL account names.)
Yep, I'm officially decrepit, remembering something no one cares about...
1990 was not a memorable year.

1979 1985 19 (o whatever)

Nicotine-yellow Monitors and rectangular cases That thumped.

Godawfully expensive editors (WYSIWYG was a snooty buzzword)
and little chips you bought at egghead, were what your ancestors used to be snooty.
300 to 1200 to 2400 baud modems (they still said "Baud")
I will now launch a research project in search of the emoji invention date.
Your dot matrix printer did :) forever,
 but who converted "Happy face" 

into a tool for winning friends and influencing people? 
Unfortunately, that information is like much of anything else on the internet, morphed to satisfy an author.
Juicy examples exist but they're off-topic, but very topical.

If I find the one about liberals sending subliminal waves to keep the armed on edge (oh yeah, "Video games", nevermind)

 (You can't really trust facts made up on webpages, including mine)

Having said that,

But I seem to recall Windows having font characters no one used that today could be considered emojis??

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