
Monday, May 17, 2021

ssd doldrums

 SSD isn't accurate, I'd need several more unreadable acronyms to describe my multicolored Tongue-depressor of a disk drive.

And I've been having problems with my Sims game.

Sure, blame Modders.

Modders right-away wanna blame my PC.

But unlike them I actually listen, unfounded though they may be.

Too many mods from too many modders more likely, each perfect in their own dated behind-the-revision way...

Anyway, I double-checked my memory, My CPU is solid, but what about the drives?

99%? Why?

The cheap one I bought on sale which was supposed to be an NVME but wasn't, is showing age, while the stellar 970-Pro is superman, ageless and perfect.

So, what's up, little drive? 

Did you sneeze, is your nose too warm?

I....dunno, I could afford another 970 pro if they still made them, but they don't. I don't know much about current prices but I'll guess they're freaking national treasures.

So (damn) buy another nvme and mount this little POS to a wall, like they used to do with gigantic disk-drive platters?
It was a statement engineers made, the incredibly expensive drive was useless but pretty.

I'm ill-at-ease now, I'll prolly write ten entries wondering if my video card will show up on sale, "Here's Johnny!!" and me without enough money to grab one.

980-pro's price is like plywood in a hurricane.
They've got the balls to charge $6 for a hamburger, so it's understandable.
I...just...wanted...to...be...sure...before I plunked down half my life savings and kissed my videocard goodbye.

Or I could say, 
"fucket, balls-to-the-walls, boys," 
and run the cheapo into the ground, but by then, 970 pros would be a footnote in history.
It's not so bad, unless you figure I'll break something replacing the drive, I could just wait a little longer (my old SSD used to have curious pauses even though it never technically went *bad*)
"My god, quit whining" YEAH ok, 970 assuming it's pristine and I don't damage my motherboard.
You freebie sucking scumbags...

The freebie-sucking...uh, the reviewers all say the "SN850" is nice too.
They USED to rant that the faster a drive was, the less reliable, less long lasting, but they've been given their doggy treats.

They're trying to tell you something.

(O don't look at me that way, the sn850 is lower priced than the 980 or the 970, and comes with a 50.00 (Fifty Dollar??!!) heatsink.

Stop, Under construction:

Really random Trains (mostly on the internet)

Opinion-guys, the ones on top of Googles front page,
Want Biden to Sally forth into the middle east.
They don't pay the bills, they get paid, and the people who pay them usually want Biden to look bad.

But let's take a second to dabble....
"Legacy" is a word statesmen love to throw around. Mars, the Moon, Infrastructure, civil Rights.
Cross out the last two...Anyway, a project so incredibly huge it leaves an indelible impression people remember fondly for years.
But what if they can't get people to agree on what constitutes a Legacy?
Plus we're not talking little kids in a skirmish...
It's more (no, you're not gonna drag me into that one)
Google has a front-news page replete with disagreements.
Abortion, the capitol riot, the whole mask thing.
Arms salesmen and biblical scholars want and need a big assed war (another Vietnam would be nice)
Whatsit called when they try to exterminate a race...OK I forgot. https://www.google.com/search?q=palestinian+genocide
Lumping people together and deciding they're not on your side and therefore do not deserve to live, at least in your neighborhood.
It rankles.
CPU affinity should be dead-simple, right?

The label of a thing, whatever it is, starts "0" so if you changed Frank's name to "0",
that's what I mean.
OK Frank is supposed to show up for work on Monday to fix your roof, but never shows because you picked "0" workers on your little order form.
So lets rephrase:
"0" (aka Frank) will show up tomorrow because you picked "1" worker needed.

Frank has an imaginary friend, or a cousin, whatever, that helps him usually (Let's call him "1").
Wait, stop,
Frank is part of a group of hardworking people (and their imaginary-friends) numbered 0-7.
(or is it, the workers are 0,2,4,6 and their friends the hangers-on/interns/camp-followers 
are called 1,3,5,7??)
It matters on the damned form!!
If you pick the wrong numbers you'll have a gaggle of brainless interns not really knowing what to do (except drink beer and wait around)

So Big-White-Guy shows up to explain, 
"SMT" he says.
That's like a union.
No union, no affinity (or something).
Send this guy to the middle east, quick!!

I'm  um, I'm (*burp*) pretty sure BIOS could sort all this out, you could eliminate one or more CCX's.
Yeah that's all fine and whatever...But wouldn't it be better to turn off any virtual-cpu-cores?
See cuz, they shouldn't be allowed to live, they sap the essence of our country...
I hear a rant off in the distance... "^%$#@!!! %^$#!!"
I didn't catch that, prolly wouldn't even if you wrote it down...
But I will look at SMT, maybe it's a border-guard keeping virtual CPU's out.
(The same freebie-sucker site from yesterday)

Duh, *gee*, Tennessee...what does this have to do with "Infinity?"

OKOK, whatever (dammit) (and you wonder why I shout in quiet rooms.)
If you read somewhere from some wise person That a game should use Affinity...
(are you with me so far?)
IOW 1,2,3,4 or 1,,3,,??

OK take two even-named cores, convert their names to binary then back to decimal,
I got wost.

but the cores start with "0"
so, 1 is really core 0 (ok)
and 2 is core 1
and (uh) 3 is core two
and (oshit)
1+3 is 0+2 (AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
if (your 3 year old knows this) 1+3=4,
a command to delegate to cores 0 and 2 would be....
or is it
(that's five in garbledy-speak)
wait, do over
0001 (core 0)
skip core-1
(which is two)
0011 is three
0011+0001  is 0100 (I think, ah shit)
Nothing is this hard, you're gaslighting me

Five, fucket.
Gotta be 5.
(If you see me mumbling about the number 5 you'll know why)

And they seem to be saying it's a decimal number, not 0x-anything.
5 is 5 I'll try it both ways. (I'll need a affinity-checker, but I'll think about that tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day!!)
Ah, fuck you and your freebie horse

DAM you!! DAM you!!! (It was a movie-line, nevvermond)

YAY! WOOHOO! (wait, "0,1"?? Ahshit)

What I know: (lol)
OK what I observed:
putting 5 or "c" in cmd.exe made no difference, they show up as "0,1" in task-manager.
But telling task-manager to forcibly use 0,2 works, but ya gotta do that every damn time you run the program (because a command-line shortcut only halfway works)
Sims inspires random thoughts (because sometimes it's boring beyond belief)

OK I get the whole "Bedroom eyes" look but what if you're outside or in a mall, do you really wanna look sultry?
'K, it was a thought.
Well, I should at least attempt to describe the train...
At a junior college(!) in the seventies, a narcissistic woman awaiting an acting class, had very shiny makeup, like a clear-candy-coating.
Now you could argue (prolly successfully) that she was prepared, makeup-wise, for her next acting exhibition, but I wish I wasn't so shy and it wasn't boorish to ask,
about makeup.
Because Then I could ask the next shiny woman I meet, "What's with the shiny makeup?"
Shiny midriff, sure. Shiny (I can't spell this next word) Decolletage, of course.
Shiny cheekbones, uhm,
to imply what is going on underneath?? 
Eyes that sparkle (because, contacts)
Large dark eyes (because, large-dark eye makeup)
WHY don't I just start wearing huge pectoral implant muscles under my shirt,
Butt-pads, and a shaved head to go with my scraggly beard?
Abs on a t-shirt.
spanx for my gut.
Been-there, done-that, Google says.

Society wanting to incarcerate you might understand wigs and makeup, It's a women's prison movie from the forties or fifties...

but men with spanx might get giggles.
And since you never know when you'll be falsely accused, uh,

You (yada whatever) 
Great makeup commercial was just on!!
Greatest actress still living, was in a very very short commercial!!! Omigosh!!
'K, I heard you earlier, I'm writing nuttier blogs, but seriously, *look* at her and tell me your heart isn't melting.
No, not that nobody with the frizzy hair! She's the one who (with all that makeup on) could be mistaken for Diana Rigg in a dream.

They're calling me away, I have to go now (it's time to restart)
O gee-thanx (and I'm the nutty one)

OK makeup has a place in the universe, but only for the very very hot.

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