
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Guaranteed incompatible


To be used with an adapter (not included)

This isn't the highlight of your day; Probably the tub with raw-sewage is much more captivating, hmm.

Never (ever) buy a shitload of drain cleaner when your drains are clogged, they're all tied together and the shit rolls downhill.

Never buy a cartridge (they're called "Cartridges," not valves(?) without the accompanying screw and the adapter. Ignore this at your peril; there might be nothing wrong with the valve/cartridge, but there's this ten-cent part that goes with the valve (it's $4.00 but it sure looks ten-centy.)

I can't change lightbulbs, so I'll need to wait for the travelling plumber to pay a visit, but the ten-cent part is easily replaced, if you can find it. 
My faucet is no more....that is to say, I could not buy one in a zillion years without hunting at a used plumbing shop; They're like cell phones of a few years ago, every plug, every adapter was unique to the phone.
Phones eventually got assimilated by iApple, but faucets gaily flaunt their uniqueness.

This year, it's single handle (or no-handle) faucets.
All faucets (apparently) run into the hundreds.

The cheap-ass $20 brand leaks after a few months; Abandon all hope whoever buys them (they attract tiny bugs and eventually rot the floor)

So what have we learned today?

The sewer is shit, whatever's left of it gets clogged by cooking oil (o yeah, never drain cooking oil)
and faucets are a luxury for rich and famous people, uhm...


My style. Probably Plastic, but WTH.
Also it's "affordable", unless you eat, then nevermind.

I wrote this a week ago, but it may as well have been a year, and I am so depressed.
Real honest-to-god plumbers are rare, like maybe good doctors and nurses, but I would not want to insult the nurses.
So anyway, if you buy some very overpriced model, rest assured (no wait, don't rest anything, make Damned sure) there are compatible parts.
Please note the style of the handles above; They're expendable, flotsam destined for a shithole country if they break. OK maybe that was harsh...I don't need a new faucet, I need new *handles* and at least mine are expendable too, in theory.
But my point was, faucets do not last, and they need washers and rubber grommets and screws...it pays to buy a well-known brand.
In my case, I just realized, all I need are new handles, but would they fit my little hoses?
Ah, fucket, what about a whole new faucet?
hey designers all got together at a seminar and said, why don't we tie the handles to the faucet?
Consumers will be our slaves, begging for parts (but they won't find any, ahahahahaha!!!)
The above sentence was an intro to this picture:


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