
Friday, August 27, 2021

Buzzwords I've learned (in five minutes)

 So let's see...Windows has an update.

The update has a widget.

To actually use the widget you need to be part of a company's network and also

use Microsoft's way of networking computers ("AAD")

Azure-active Directory is more of a brand.

Basically it's a guard standing in front of a convention-center handing out badges,
 once you prove you are allowed to be there.

Blackhat has subsumed them, they give little talks and seminars saying how.
So why....?

I haven't gotten to the part where they allow the general public at large to hack away at their systems day and night forever, until they gain entrance (with fake badges, killing the guard, having a friend inside open the back door to the center, etc)

When I read about it, I'll be sure to ask why private internets (subnets?) do not exist, everything must be publicly accessible (or is that true?)

Suppose you broke the internet's well-defined rules so only you(r company) and a few friends (countries) could access?
False-security, the hackers would pay someone to leak them the rules and mimic them.

o..........k, so what's an AD good for?


I don't know if they're explaining it to old people or if this really is a very old idea with flashy new paint.

Richer-than-God people vacationing in Aruba might wonder why their IT dept requested 6-billion next year, and google stuff.

Not all poor people are ignorant, not all rich people know it all.


(OK nevermind)
(and you wonder why people don't trust the internet or AD or whatever)

So I'm reading the review of a show where the women look too old to be young, wear too much makeup.
"best show ever" say a tight-knit group of demographic people.
Lemme guess, country music fans aged 14 to 18 and female?
Which does not count the middle aged gay people from New york, but "Demographic" is like that word "Paradigm", it's a buzzword meaning, a targeted audience.
ABC abandoned the show, a country-music station picked it up.
NOW I watch it on the women's channel (for ten minutes, with the sound down) OMG only 1AM?
War...war never changes.
Speaking of wars, headlines about the state that soon-to be voted-on governor lives in, keep getting articles about nuclear waste, about DDT.
Maybe he's supposed to turn water into wine? ANyway the nuclear waste (today's story) is federally controlled, and it isn't like the governor could move it anywhere out-of-state, but the disparate stories continue.
One wonders.
One extremely quiet story (never reported on, ever) is the really-huge, humungous, largest-in-the-world desalinization plants (I've spelled it wrong doubtless but whatever.)
I shall now google it, for 30 seconds.
Can rich people water their lawns, their golf-courses, with desalted water?

The dry barren wastelands these plants serve or will serve, will presumably be lush and get sold for millions, no wonder it's never on the front page.
So that other stuff, about Sirhan, the DDT and the Waste, that's just unrelated topical stuff, right?
Mark 1:3
Ivermectin (buzzword for today) helps you poo "rope worms" which an article says are pieces of your intestine so foul the body turns up its nose and shoots them out.
Ivermectin is the new republican drug for um, whatcha...the covid.

These guys'll take over eventually, and what weird patent-medicines will they push?
Vote for them, find out

edited in months later, a googled-on-a-hunch link:

This next bit is related, I swear. Potato-farmers vs (um) (OK I'm not up on the politics of it all yet)

In point of fact, there ARE things my stomach doesn't like, it's pissed right now because I might have eaten cooked onions.
I don't know why talk-show doctors and other trendy people are hawking products on TV ($5.00 products selling for $50)
But I smell a book, a product.
I heard The word "Lectin" from a book-writer's talk on PBS.
If you can sell products that are "free", you can charge for what the products don't have.
In other words, Nothing costs way more than something. (It's all very complicated, a new paradigm)
Buy my book!
Just 19.95 a month to watch a guy hawk products.
Avocados and Sour Cream are probably lining the road to hell, but I don't Care!!
(was I ranting again??)

They pay Protection to the Associations
Poor sunflower seeds, so nutritious, but maybe they lapsed 

Soak your Nuts: https://www.bluezones.com/2020/03/the-truth-about-lectins-why-beans-have-gotten-a-bad-rap/

Listening to a dietician go on about how beans are so good for you, and how the freebie meals are full of them, and the advice from ancestors on soaking beans (or at least Washing them thoroughly)
makes me still hate beans, they're nearly as bad as rice! BAH! (lol)
Ice-cream. What have you got against Ice cream (you self righteous turds)
But OK none of my snack foods measure up, they find out what I eat through my extra-care-card, and ban it from polite society.
What about sand?? (^%$#@)
BTW Raw kidney beans (from a health-salad) are terribly bad for you, they're so seventies.
And I'll bet if I look, raw cauliflower is poisonous too.
So, yeah, schadenfreude in hell.

My body hates everything you condemn, it's a prissy thing that loves you (and your made-up dark eyes) but I will eventually find something it likes.
Ah, FU and your horse...
I cannot believe I'm the only person worldwide to have an ah-shit moment...
On the other hand, you eat sand and raw kidney beans, and ivermectin, so...
(Ah geez)

GUESS which kind *I* have? (grr)
And so I'll venture into HELL to meet the Nervous and the Pissed off.

Not that you care, but it's relevant: my insulin was NOT clumpy, and it defrosted faster than the time it took to write this (solid-to-iceberg-to-liquid.)
So unless there are tiny things dead in it, um, (fucket)

I'm searching my head for a bromide-rhyme..
Clump-free, let it be (carefully)

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