I just figured they wouldn't be brainless and backwards enough to lock a person into a version.
I just figured, Modders would know the version everyone was supposed to be using and say that.
Weird problems in the game (AKA "Bugs") might be python related, but I'm speaking as a flat-earth-geocentric philistine...(I have no freaking clue).
You'd think newer versions of some important program would have links working around deleted bits, but they prolly don't, stuff will crash, worlds will collide, because they couldn't take the time to get off their fat butts...but hopefully I'm wrong, because they left the old version, they just renamed it.
However, Python (my old version) has an old path buried into its code, a path I have not used in a year.
Will I need to erase the whole game and start over?
The New Python with an old version of "Mc command" (2021.1) seems Perfect.
The NEW Python with the NEW version of the mod eventually stops time in the game,
People do the exact same thing (with music and dancing) that they would have done if time had not stopped, but nothing new can happen.
(Also, trying to close the game fails, and a slow memory leak occurs.)
I'd say, overall, the new python is a slight improvement over the old, but the same results eventually happen, the game is doomed inexorably to fail with the new version of the mod "MC_command" (2021.2), on my PC.
They don't know why but their answer is, erase the game.
Uh, no.
So all that erasing and swapping and mucking about was for NOTHING, thanks |
The above picture is an edit to this here entry; I wrote the entry and then suddenly the update (of the 3-day-old-update)But the rest of this holds true (as of an hour ago;)
Because I've just updated the mod, I'll need to play some useless lonely Sim for a while to see the game is still working.
Isn't this *fun*? (lol)
But if you're reading this and have some spare time,
do "cd \
dir /s vcruntime140.dll"
on your windows drive.
Do you get tons of lines?
Are they all different versions?
This thread (many threads, but I had to pick one) about the game throwing error messages.
If only it were that easy!!
NO error messages, my PC just sinks deeper into insanity until Sims (the entire game) is carted off by windows security (and NOT automatically, let me tell you!)
But installing that last picture (Vcredistx64) seems to have helped.
You see (*
I had all the necessary files, but...
They were so last-month (or something)
Sims gets updated,
Windows gets updated,
No one thinks about visual c's being updated, it would be too complicated.
Speaking of "complicated" do a directory of "MSVCP*.dll".
O, by the way, I've yet to use file explorer to find all versions of a file on the disk (you could write a BOOK with all the versions on my disk!!)
A paltry smattering of a long list
Windows assiduously logs (spies on) everything I do, and how much do you wanna bet this will be happily ignored??
Windows looks to game-companies to update the included runtimes (which were written by Microsoft, so game companies defer to Microsoft to update them)
And Everyone looks to you, the clueless computer-operator, to update them yourself!!
God-forbid you're on a domain or a work computer; it isn't as though you could put in a request to update your little PC to play sims.
Reiterating for the doubters:
After installing the update for a Biggie-mod, Sims no longer worked but did not error-out; instead it gobbled up All available memory and froze (eventually.)
Using the latest redistributable-file pictured above, everything started working again.
I doubt even the mod-author is aware of this; if he hadn't updated his redistributable, everything would still work as before!
There are several things I could do now:
1. do a search with file explorer for a file-name buried deep in several directories.
"CMD (Command prompt) does this in mere seconds; I may have given up on File explorer which takes long minutes (I think). (They might have improved on it since the last time I tried to use it.)
2. Find out if "VCRedist" is updated by windows-update, and maybe *I* downloaded and installed some old thing that replaced it with an older version ("Steam" comes to mind, but that's just guessing)
I'd hoped (I was wrong apparently) that when a game fires up its own version of a redistributable, Windows would error it out if there was a newer version installed.
3. Find out why windows won't let me paste an emoji (This editor seems to do it fine!?)
😖(emojis work now, gifs are forbidden completely)
I had a ranty thought to add, I swear I did...but editing the superfluous-HTML made me forget it.
It's STILL BoRiNg ("that's a paddlin' ") to play sims, but if you diet and allow yourself only an hour to play, and imagine the rest in your head (That wasn't the rant but it's close)
Speaking of boring...I wonder if they still allow Blinky text in webpages, or have they banned it.
You see, the internet is full of authoritative bombasters, and the people they bombast at (to?)
and the pontificators, the bombasters, decreed thou shalt not do Blinky.
But I still wonder.
I'm gonna spend the next thirty seconds looking.
Thou shalt not Bombast, say the bombastors, the pontificators. Midi and a huge video and an ad blocking the screen is allowed, but only by them. right?
(Bastardo!) |
I can PROVE it, lest you think you hear the man on the subway platform talking to himself:
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