This former truth-seeking blog-entry has been gutted like a fish for better readability.
Parts might look disjointed.
Poor soul approaches Microsoft as if they had actual smart people...the AI (whatever) tells him, "Reinstall".
So I know now that this is no fluke, I really have no sound (but I *could*)
My virtual microphone passes a test but the actual audio sounds scrambled (almost), like someone was pressing "Mute" around 50 times a second.
Droidcamx wants USB too, if I can spare it, and Bluetooth, and wifi.
It even creates a webpage people can go see, like those TV criminal dramas where a poor tortured person is about to be killed! "Actors, only actors," but I still never watch.
They aren't telling me (yet) why I have no or extremely poor audio.
Plus my Bluetooth is flaky.
Didn't I figure it out in my last entry? No?
The software package is supposed to do it (Isn't it?)
Six different modern windows menus (useless)
and One menu that might say "advanced", "related" or whatever.
The legacy menus always work and are serious-minded.
The modern menus are mostly shit.
So what was it?
"Exclusive Priority" should be "off" in that all-important legacy menu.
Regardless, this 5-second setting took 4 hours and wore me out.
Apparently, but don't quote me,
Once a device is paired you should let whatever software package set the rest up.
So that song player in that bluetooth player automatically connects and sets it to Audio.
"Your Phone (the app)" sets it for calls.
And (so far) Droidcamx *mentions* bluetooth but never uses it, Or I'm too tired to read correctly.
My first Caller!
From someone named "SCAM LIKELY."
(2G saves Batteries!!)
A shill from Pimp Magazine writes:
Pry 2G from cold dead fingers....(or something)
But it answers the question about "All are welcome"; It should be changed to
"We don't Like Your Kind Here" WDLYKH
2g is synonymous with EDGE, which stands for (
whatever) but it's a sign you're using 2g.
Whether that's a *good* thing is tons less important than if it's a *billable* thing.
I mean, if they treat 2G like a trip to Disney World, I could be in for a whopping-big bill.
Saving batteries is looked down on. |
One last thing...remember all those 5g radiation Naysayers?
I mean, *yeah*, my phone seems to require a steady diet of 5G *wifi* radiation to be happy, but ...
(I lost the thought, got stuck on "5g is 5g, isn't it?")
5 Gigahertz is Not 5G cell technology (5th generation?)
just like "wifi 6" has nothing to do with "5Ghz" (but it's all related in the marketing-stew)
That endless mumbling-aside meant to say,
"Does 2G use less phone radiation than "5G (cell technology)"??
Real honest-to-goodness "5G" (according to that link) goes from 24Ghz to much higher.
But (this is from me) You sticking to "2g" on your piddly-wimpy phone won't save you from the 24Ghz cell-tower across the street.
People loving to drive everywhere are constantly bombarded with competing's a question I've been wondering about, *something* causes many people who love to drive, an eventual cancerous death.
Is it smog, chemicals, cell-phone towers, or do they all cooperate to kill you???
There's this biggie sword hanging over my head, maybe.
T-Mobile is notorious (they did it a couple-blog-entries ago) for changing their factual information on your account page.
So a payment that's due November might suddenly be changed to "October".
The EIP as stated will never bother me ever, because whatever they charge will be automatically credited.
Unless it isn't.
Where is my first phone-payment-date?
I recently fully paid my bill for this month (October), but will the Phone's payment come due *this* month????
If it does, will the credit kick in automatically or will I have to wait "One or two billing cycles"??
I have to know, Because I can't buy cigarettes or bug spray without knowing.
(Yes, now you also know the account balance at my bank)
I worry about every penny,
And I want to pose a question to the aether:
What if I paid my phone early, would I keep getting credits or would they stop?
(I needed to insert somewhere in that sentence, guffaws and peals of laughter, from employees enjoying the joke of me paying an enormous amount for a free phone; It's a free phone, but they paid Lawyers and accountants to come up with a non-contract-contract)
"70%-90% battery charging is optimal," can't they just say that? There's this MASSIVE edit I wanna do because I found a better blog.
They want to sell something.
I'm gonna go look for a pimping shill now.
I was sort of hoping for a page that took all that (edited out) math and stuck it into a charger.
If you read the first few reviews on Amazon, Techie Gurus seem to say that The Samsung Charger in the picture above
Does pretty much what the "
Chargie" does *already*, and you'd need an oscilloscope to prove one was as good as or better than the other.
OTOH, "Chargie" makes a good point. They shut DOWN charging, not ease it off, like some thermostat would. (OTOH it's $30)
I can't tell you how long my mistreated S6 battery lasted until it finally bloomed out of its tight case,
maybe 4 3 years? Not sure. And I'm about to use the charger from that old phone on my new one!
No "fast charges," I promise.
But as soon as I can, I'll get the Samsung 45w.
I'll have to really think about Chargie.
(Isn't there a way to stick my A32 in a box to hibernate, while my S6 lives a long, happy life?
The (android 7) S6 is a very satisfactory phone but the battery dies so quickly.
So, no, except on special occasions)
A scary letter arrived today; I just had a chance right now to look at what other people said
About my "proprietary" credit-score.
I shouldn't get a phone without a deposit, anything below me is rejected.
So...??? They didn't ask for a deposit, and they gave me a free phone. (EIP with monthly credits)
So what's up, did they change their mind, will I be getting a demand for more money soon?
This is nerve-wracking.
So, I'm worthy, not worthy, it depends (on what? The weather? Overstocked phones??)
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