
Friday, October 8, 2021

wake up!

 The Department manager of a gargantuan company was talking to his production Supervisor about me, as they were sitting down to Lunch in this very Large indoor patio-style cafeteria.
"Mumble-Mumble (Laugh)," and I happened to be there to retort something a little too loudly (in my sleep?) (edited: boring)


Hours later.
"SDXC" cards work just fine on my phone, 
that snaky-outline on the card is ignored, 
it fits.

The case I got protects the back, and the camera (a little) and the front is covered (very badly) by a plastic sheet, I'm all thumbs with sticky plastic-sheets.
My wake-up nightmare for tonight (this took several days to write) was about being overconfident with cases.
If a person is crossing a street, The phone might drop under a waiting truck.
If a person is in a bad neighborhood (reminder to google bad neighborhoods for that more immersive touch)
This small town was dissed heavily by a googled site.


at 5PM on a crowded sidewalk, it might drop and never be seen again.
Or Bridges.
Guess what happens on Bridges?

All my songs total 8 gigabytes, and none of my pictures are worth saving... I'm not planning to use the new SD card on the PC, and the phone mostly ignores it, I think (I'm not sure.) The (mobile) editor here is godawful...anyway, *some* apps can be moved to SD, most can't

 although I am sure *someone* figured out how.
*^%$# nevermind

Now I should do a 4k-video of my foot, to see what all the ruckus is about.
Maybe next week.

It won't help posting it here, but...
Sending files via "bluetooth" and using The app called "your phone" via wifi, no sound but no problems, so shut up.
but for the life of me I can't get Bluetooth-"connect", I only get Bluetooth-"Pair" so the phone can't receive audio, and neither can windows.
I see it listed as an "other" device, wtf does that mean?
I get it, they're paranoid and afraid to transmit copyrighted data, or have someone copy all your files...
Or Commandeer your PC (in an office cubby setting) to blast unwanted messages...........
Hooking up USB and have Windows-Media-Player play a damn file on the phone to the PC, works fine, but
     Bluetooth and the "Your Phone" app are NOT that liberal.
I can send bluetooth music to a cheap headset and get "APTX"-audio, which is a trendy way of saying it's almost as good as Apple sound because nothing trendy beats apple.
"Your phone" is soundless (and the rest of this sentence with accompanying links (I've deleted), just says, it's "by design" until they change the design)
OK this looks confusing, because I'm very confused; it works, but not.
The App "Your phone" requires Wifi as well; 
it might send all data to an internet server and back again, which is silly and dangerous.
They didn't pore over this technology late-nights, they sort of played with it and cobbled together a Nice UI that doesn't actually work very well.

My PC is happy to report one device connected, One Paired.
Wait, what???

All that and nothing works (besides sending files like in  1989)

I remember the movie about the guy talking to the dead wife he killed, on a busted cell-phone, so I wanna just bring that up in case this appears too serious or detailed...

A website says "You might want to check in with your old carrier" when porting your number to a different carrier.
Yeah but when I called the rep couldn't hear me or her voice-greeting was stuck, it played three times.
Do I keep paying the old phone bill forever, or will they get a clue and cancel it?
I think I won't know until the new bill is generated. As far as sound, I worked around their boneheaded obfuscation, I just hooked up a fancy speaker (or less fancy headphones) to the phone, but there's that call-thing again; 
I've read that people can *hear* but not be heard.

um, This "Your Phone" program will be stored away neatly for another year, it's mostly useless right now, but real perty. 

Maybe they should rename the App "Your Phone" to "Thing" (it lives in your handset) to go with "IT" for your PC, or have style and name it "Los" (El and La.)
😬😬(emoji symbol for constipation)🤦🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

Someone visits (but they have a ubiquitous iPhone, nevermind)
You visit someone with a hellacious sound-system on their PC.
App, please:

I lost you after you said I needed Bluetooth, WiFi and a Paired Bluetooth Speaker.
WHY can't you just PAIR the speaker? (O, was I shouting?)
I suppose this gets routed through the Metro Police dept's AI machine as well to conquer any evil?

If I just wanna play music on my PC from the phone, I'll hook up USB and use "Media player".
If I just wanna play Music (loudly) I can cast to a speaker.
If I want to cast to my 5 kids in my 5280 sq. ft Cabin in the Hamptons, I'll use your method (wifi AND Bluetooth)
Eternal Question
"paired, Not connected"
(friends, God, Life, your Doctor)
But we're only talking about guys talking to wives on broken cellphones

Headphones pair to phone, or to windows, either or (my point is, they connect and play instantly.)
Windows doesn't like the phone, but it doesn't say why.
It'll brusquely say "Connection succeeded" but the phone knows the truth of it, rejected connection.
We might use algebraic-math to conclude, windows can send to but never receive from my phone,
Unless the special clubby insider software is used.

Improvements: You can no longer connect

I'm stymied at every turn.
"Music share" is some non existent app for a PC that my phone is telling me to use.
"Smart view" is another app except it won't work anyway so forget it.
"Google home" has possibilities...WHY am I even doing this??
Because it hurts being the ignorant old guy.
"Cast via bluetooth"
"Music to PC"
yada - anything googled sells you an app and some pat answers.
Google me this!
"Files sent, but no audio"
In plain english, Yes, (insert pat answer here), and files can be received and sent wait, only pc sends, refuses to receive..No, finding the secret-sidewalk method (I forgot it already) files CAN be received.
So, using algebraic-math again, if files can be sent and received, uh (I'm very tired already)
using a software package on my PC that sits patiently waiting for a received file...(o nvm)
No audio is currently permitted (de jure or de facto?)
At least I found a picture, useless though pictures (and bombastic videos) usually are.
BOTTOM LINE (otg) you need a third-party app for windows.

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