
Sunday, October 31, 2021

F2:medicines to counteract FOD

 This is no well-researched entry, it's a pissed remark that an antacid that should be free is suddenly $13, and it's discontinued anyway.

"Mylanta" is draped in mystery. CVS has a generic brand.
I'm really not sure, but I think 3 bottles for 13 (I think it's three) is a better deal, but it's all so clouded in mystery.
Doctors keep prescribing 3-month-supplies, which would be fine if I joined their little drug-club, but I haven't because I don't trust them and can't get a price easily.

How much is insulin? Join to find out.
How much is a *3-month-supply* of insulin (or syringes?) 
Join us.

How come CVS, the most expensive in my area, does not discount Insulin or Syringes,
with three-month prescriptions?

My obscene pharmacy-bill will have to be cut into thirds.

I don't need 300 Syringes or 300 Milliliters of insulin (300 somethings, maybe not milliliters)

"Insulin Syringes/Needles U-100 29 Gauge x 0.5-in are prescribed by your vet for the injection of U-100 (100 units per ml) insulin to treat your pet's diabetes."
NO, focus, this is a quote about syringes, not my mythical diabetic cat!!
U-100, a full insulin syringe (100 units) would be 1ml, 100ml's per Bottle,
So 100 full-syringes.
twice a day around 1/3 full should last way more than 1-month, but it never does (???)
Not to impress you with my Math-prowess and dexterity,
But more to give a more complete picture, an ml is .001 of a liter (but that part no one gives a rat's ass about)
Anyway, 30 units when transcribed into u100, is 1/3 of 1ml (uh...something micro-liters)
(Again, no one cares)

it's all mythical units, U100 units or U500 units, and in my case, u100
I got lost long ago, forget it.

But a longstanding thought, to impress doctors or maybe to lose weight,
And assuming your version of insulin actually did anything,
*Could* you try to lower your sugar, the way you'd lower PH in a fish-tank,
To keep the fish/Your body happy?
OK with respect to your body, slightly UNhappy, trying to compensate, for a constant 80 (or so) blood-sugar level.
*My* insulin (don't listen to this) does absolutely Nothing, and when I can afford the new prescription, I'll get it and get all Marquis de Sade on my sugar.

FU-RIO, scaring butterballs.
Apparently "70" is just fine, TYVM
2 MUCH insulin = fatness??
So confusing.
It must be an inverse-square formula
Don't eat.
I'm not clear on A1C yet. Too much insulin makes A1C happy, turns you into a butterball-blimp.

But I have to beg them like I'd politely ask a butcher,
 to cut my 3-month-supply-prescription into thirds.

I actually budgeted an enormous amount so I would not have to ask.
Why should I have to ask? I won't be vacationing in the Hamptons anytime soon..
This is stewpid.

Back to "Mylanta," maybe I could live without the OTC stuff, and buy chewy Tums instead.

OK let's talk rent/mortgage, or maybe cars/car-insurance.
WOULD it benefit you to pay three-times as much, on a single paycheck?
NO! Unless there was some heavy-duty discount that they passed along.

There's this faded beige walled restaurant, wooden benches for authenticity,

where you could buy white-rice and green Tea.

If I had a zillion dollars I wouldn't go there, not for the ambience, the rice or the tea.
Banks used to have marbled floors and walls, and antique cars in front,
And all the tellers wore enough makeup to be in a broadway show.
Again, nobody cared (well, *I* didn't care.)
3-months-supply is a gimmick that they don't tell you, does nothing for you.

It should, it *might*, just not at CVS 

a way long time ago, there were services you could log on to, play with virtual toys, talk to actual people, and (most importantly) *buy stuff* using real dollars or maybe virtual dollars.
You could earn virtual dollars for a better dress, so the virtual denizens with actual users wouldn't make fun.
They're rehashing that idea, and giving it a name, "Metaverse" and sort of prodding you to buy 3d-glasses to see the metaverse (they want you to use Augmented reality, And stuff)
Old idea. New virtual toys.
I don't know if anyone will listen, but hire a lounge singer, hire what's-his-face (the music man) to dispel boredom.
Cuz if you don't, rich hotties and men in camo-suits will stand around saying,
In days of yore, mostly men would pick public squares to air their feelings about their god.
As long as they were white and their god was Baptist, and the shills were pretty, people'd listen.

So now there's this new place people can extoll the virtues of Trump, and no one gets shot.
Or it could be a kiddie pool with expensive surfboards

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