
Friday, October 29, 2021

Fodmap (Reprinted, I think)

 I went into this, and since it's long boring and gross, I will skip to the ranty-part:

An official (and extremely ironic) link:


TLDR, if you *know* your possible cure, "Ask your Doctor" so he gets credit, and bonuses from the insurance.

WHY the hell doesn't a gut-doctor mention *anything* (besides maybe eggs) about good diets??

We already KNOW about bad diets.

So I'm asking the pretty-assistant, who takes offense that I dared to ask what to eat.

That was years ago, still pisses me off, moreso now.

No cauliflower!! There, was that so damned hard?

No Onions (green-shooty-things are OK!!) Bombastic cooks, take notice.

The most evil of them all, "Wheat, onion, and garlic" what your mom said were good for you.
(maybe they are when you're ten,)

I'm sitting next to a little portion of enticing Cauliflower.
You'd think "Just this once" but my stomach watches closely.
Tiny bits of Broccoli!! Think of that-drunk driving commercial when you think of Broccoli,
"You're gonna kill yourself!!"

No Yams! Potatoes OK!! (Finally, I've been vindicated, the spawns of Satan are most evil on your stomach, but more importantly, they taste bad. Show this to the cook!!)

The list is long and I haven't read it yet.
But why doctors never mention fodmaps is beyond me, unless their teacher was a bombastic idiot who disparages fad-diets.

And, referring to the pithy first link, yes, I already know I'm lactose intolerant (but thank you for that,)
plus, soy and I have issues.

I have no oven. If I did, I'd have carte blanche to fill my freezer with frozen-breaded fish,
and cook them with melted cheddar on top.

I should buy a couple pounds of the stuff, to microwave.
With avocado mayonnaise.
(See, my would-be cook's-brain is full of microwave recipes)

OK yeah, I'll be the blimp trundling to the store a year from now...

Diabetics get harped-on to eat beans. "Legumes," I think they're called.

Well FU-RIO, beans are high fodmap (I think); They're full of hot air, anyway.

OK this next list (way down below) was from ONE site that might have been well-compensated by the various councils to include stuff.

But maybe they're right, I'm hoping they're not totally wrong:

(They're wrong about, eg, "Tofu", at least for me)

Can I hear a "YAY" for popcorn?
No butter no salt. (yay)

Towards the end of her brain-addled life, My grandmother would only eat Ricotta-cheese. She had constant Diarrhea...OK this added-in sentence wonders if she maybe was lactose-intolerant, if Ricotta-cheese has any (adjective needed) and beneficial properties. Were her electrolytes being messed with by her diarrhea? Well anyway, it's a recurring and disturbing thought.
Feta and its minions are listed on the low-fodmap-list but should be avoided at all costs anyway.
So let's see...
Lactose-free, Low-fodmap, low Cholesterol...
What's that leave, Sand??!!
(O, fish contains mercury)
Is it better than no cheese at all?
Trying hard not to get ranty, but if they substitute soy and lactose for good honest cheese, the cure is worse than the disease
Doctors care tons about Cholesterol, and diddly about FODMAP. 
The pat advice givers say Ricotta-good, Cheddar bad.
Well, they're full of it.
Plus, I just bug-sprayed a flea and soaked my cigs in bug-spray, and I could die of cancer before cholesterol consumes me.
I'm gonna age-out the spray, maybe cut off the oily filters.
Cholesterol? Bah-humbug.

I should probably add this next link, which states that Low GI foods are very good for diabetics.
IOW, if you have to eat *something*, best it be low GI.
OK so Low GI, Low FODMAP, what's the last one, Lactose+Soy free (and Gluten free too, I think, although I don't know what a "gluten" is yet.)
I wonder what would pop up in a google search?
They'd prolly have me eating fruit all day, and dribbling into my shorts, o gawd.



Get thee behind me, Cholesterol, three-out-of four Naggy things say Cheese is great!!
(I wonder who paid them off)
Tillamook is the Corsair, the Sony of cheese.
It's so overpriced you'll wonder if it really is better, or just being all Dracula attractive.
After all, the Supermarket cheese sits next to it, all cheapo.
So which is better?
Geez, IDK and can't find out.
https://www.eatthis.com/best-cheddar-cheese/ lists "Organic Brands" (phht, feh) but one organic-brand is low fat.
If it costs as much a $20 and is in some tiny package, I doubt I'd buy it.
Tillamook is like that Gorgon-movie you can't stop staring at.
Maybe it's my lot in life to buy Supermarket and be done with it.

If Cheddar is aged in little cheese-casks, for a really long time (like maybe 12 years) 
THEN maybe you could convince me to buy it.
I think I read that somewhere, prolly by some package trying to sell me cheese.
But I have not seen that blurb in years.
Maybe Aging is dead.
ONE year, not 12
Plus, "white" cheddar is all clubby, more expensive because it is lacking an ingredient, annatto,
To turn it yellow.
Now, a guy wonders, if Annatto is a replacement for properly-aged cheese, but whatever,
It's a style choice. 
So....counting the hours until the cheese-store (supermarket) opens. 
Yellow or white, "Cabot" low-fat or generic-store.
Tillamook isn't an option, unless it captures my gaze and hypnotizes me.

I'll edit this.

We know now that insulin is fattening;

No insulin, no food,
Insulin and some rarified food.
I vote for the fasting, but I have this insatiable urge to eat.
My body is cyclic anyway, and it's in a very high sugar cycle.
Tomorrow (or so) it'll suddenly drop to 90.
Geez, gimme a hint already.



I'm thinking, Sour-dough hamburgers with sharp melted cheddar cheese. I do not know what "Hard cheese" is, but I'll substitute sharp cheddar.

Maybe quesadillas with hamburger.

"Your cholesterol will go up!

And other dire adjectives (congestive heart failure, eventual death)
But my stomach will have died happy.

You could probably find someone in a bar, eager to tell you about the nutritional benefits of beer, and how a show on "The Doctors" (an infomercial-style program) says to drink more wine.
And if you really look, Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine are good for you.
In short, whatever you believe or can conceive of, someone else believes it as well, thought it up first and has a much better blog.

But we're only talking about putting my beast of a stomach to sleep.
I seem to recall from when I was lots younger, that eating quesadillas alone with hamburger, is extremely fattening. Uhm, well, maybe as a monthly treat.
No avocados anymore, they're on the shit-list.

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