
Sunday, October 17, 2021

(thoughts II) My very wimpy soap dispenser

TLDR: the O-Ring helped tons. But now more pressure is required from the spring, and it sticks.

So unless you lived here you wouldn't know to help raise it back up.

But once it's standing tall, it works great.
(The new one will be bought in a month or so) 

It's on my favorite-list of window-shopped things to buy

But TLDR, most dispensers totally suck for various reasons, according to consumers (maybe it's a very competitive business) and maybe mine needs a chance. It had its chance (a month later), and the thing is like some Russian 7-11: It will allot you a small amount once an hour,
half-again as much in a few seconds.

Do they ALL work this way or can you get all decadent and go "Squish-squish-squish" and get mounds of creamy goodness???


The guy who says I worry too much about the wrong thing, maybe never shopped spark-plugs or fan belts, or radiator-hoses. You kind of want the best, least expensive version.

On the other hand, This next model that wouldn't match and costs a little more, is made by a snootier company and has nearly 100% good reviews from a very small clique of clubby people:

My train of thought in finding it was asking Google which was best.
Google doesn't actually know, but this ad appeared:

It could be made of chicken-wire and feathers. does it dispense soap reliably (o gawd)?

Does Size matter? You'll notice they said "Three-Inch" and there's also a "Four-inch".
It would not matter at ALL if all they did was lengthen the plastic straw, but IF they modified the plastic-mechanical part, even a little, that might help!
Wishful thinking on my part, probably. 
"Focus" 3-inch, "Talis" 4-inch, "Metris" 4-inch squarish base.
Going by the styles, being almost identical overall, 
The Talis and the Metris are nice 
but I like the round Base of the "Talis" the best.

This (and maybe the bottle) are the most important parts,
The parts no one talks about, unless the bottle breaks.
"It broke, It failed" are all you read.
This video wants to dump the refill bottle and mainline into the Supermarket's Largest refill bottle.
And that's fine, whatever, but...

I found a review I liked:

Because, fucket, you only live once (Four-inch-model)

The guy is clearly biased, having already purchased a Hans-yada Faucet but since I do not work in the industry and install these all freakin day, plus I need to go to the bathroom NOW, this is my choice.

The stereotypical review for other more expensive models, looks like this:

In case you had big dreams for a soap dispenser
On the other hand, amazon reviewers are mostly insane (or at least they write that way)

No one asked me, no one will, but....
I liked my faucet in Matte-gold better, but it's $100 more.
Apparently once they know you're a style-hound, they rack up the price.
No, my faucet is cheap tarty chrome, the chrome most of my family used when faucets were $29 and didn't come in colors.
It makes no sense then to buy a golden dispenser, and chrome is usually cheaper.

And if I were richer than (than I am) I might consider a battery-powered dispenser with an eye.
They are not stylish and don't come in colors; they don't need to.
If bugs triggered the dispenser and killed the batteries and flooded the sink...OK forget it, that is enough daydreaming about pretty disasters.

Old duffers and 99-cent-store, um, Bombasts (I don't have a noun yet)
Answer: Bars of soap make messes, Soap dishes eventually look shitty,
Pump bottles of Softsoap are OK but (remember) the dispenser came with the faucet.
Granted, it was a decrepit and feeble one, but there.
And Softsoap bottles can't cover the hole in your sink 
(which I put for the freebie soap dispenser; o nevermind)
And one day when they drag me away, given enough notice, I'll put back the original non-sprayer faucet, and the feeble dispenser.

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