
Saturday, November 27, 2021

network notes

 "T-mobile keeps stopping" unless you perform some ritual that appeases it.

T-mobile never rings the phone (see above)

And a revelation (this is from a dated page


"minutes used while connected to the wifi network count against available rate-plan minutes"

Opened my eyes to something that may or may not be true anymore.

WiFi-calling, or so I thought, was to economize on rate-plan minutes, when those things existed.

No, it's counted as regular calling.
Then it hit me, that the popularity of skype and a zillion other funny-sounding names were because of greedy-bastard money-grubbing piggy rules like this one.

If you're using Skype the phone company feels cheated

I'm still reading a polyanna proselytic site, but basically (to my way of thinking)
If your cell-phone tower is disabled, why would they have wifi working, which means you've either hopped on like a leech or using an ISP, so WHY does it count against you?

If you're calling central-support in Dubuque and are put on hold for ninety minutes, it counts if you tried to economize by using "wi-fi-calling", whatever that is (yes, you've discovered the last remaining human on earth who does not really know what "wifi calling" is, exactly.)

"Whatsapp" is an app, apparently from Facebook.

It does what my phone cannot, talk to someone outside of T-Mobile.
T-Mobile tries and fails.
Not sure why, but Whatsapp works. 
Apparently people also use it to record calls, and if you're talking to anyone, that "anyone" is probably recording the call, it's kind of a default on setup.
(where's my Google-drive so's they can save conversations??)

So leave off on the drop for the ar15's and the crack.... 

I'm only here to decipher the weird icons next to my clock, appearing and disappearing.

Let me guess, they're network icons of a sort.

"r," and the arrows looking like a loop are what I was most interested in, and the page above does not show them.

This could get very long and uninformative.
A note to look up "cheugy" Or some similarly spelled word you all made up to describe me, an uninformed technology user.

Any troll (pedo) not in your inner circle and not agreeing with your forum-thread's POV

Ghetto chic
(Golden Goose shoes for that used, broken-in look)

So now I have a richer-than-god christmas shopping list and a fair-assumption that "r" means roaming and the arrows mean syncing (email)

No one I know of represents "state-of-charge" as a voltage, they use percent, and damn the voltage, which people seem to want to be as high as possible (eg, 20v)

What exactly Is "USB-C-PD" as it pertains to most cell phones?
Yeah, I read you've improved it, the cables are no longer directional, and they can handle more power,
but there are several power schemes; why is "PD" so great?
If you thought I was being bombastic, read (one single itty-bitty)the source https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/usb-pd-power-delivery-charger/
But it's a standard to rule all standards, until they upgrade it, in a month or so.
Samsung vs Qualcomm vs Huawei are all supposed to stop mid-quarrel to stare at the lovely PD, but she'll change in the wink of an eye (you watch.)

Assuming there's no harm in hooking a phone to a dead-charger, an outlet-timer is the most fantastic solution ever. Fuck technology. beee cause, This:

insert rant here


Let me see...I really like a remote-controlled version because I don't get around easily.

A programmed outlet-controller, easily run for maybe an hour (as needed, whenever,) would be best. The link above has a fantastic feature called "My Countdown Timer" And does not need a computer to use.

Imparted-wisdom from an unreadable comment:
1. Figure out what GSAM means
2. Spend money on WEMO (whatever that is)
3. PAY someone to invent IFTTT
4 Mourn your wasted unfulfilled life

So, um, the phone is not smart enough to know when it's being overcharged, you must hack it or buy something, (?)thank you, good night.


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