There's always a train of thought associated with these things.
My first rant, why they (Microsoft) use "Spotify" and audio-only for lighthearted tooting (bullshit) about a major product.
And buried in here somewhere is an edit about HTML bordering. I can't (right this second) find the past-rants I've done on HTML borders, they're here but I use them so rarely, I've lost them.
You Nearly own, you almost paid for, the product, so you're One of Them already, a sheep in the fold, a choir to be preached to, so why are they making it so difficult to listen to their podcast?
I don't want spotify (I didn't know that until just now.)
You know that "System Administrator" message?
WE used to see "Call Key Operator."
Both messages are pretty meaningless....I'm at a dead end.
"(du-Du-du "Welcome to Microsoft! The place whe.......")
o if it was an MP3 with an embedded player, like below (yes, I'm editing this,)It would work fantastic.
They're hitching a ride on Spotify though, and we don't cotton to Spotify around here.
(whatever the term is for being unable to use a podcast)
I was Sure podcasts were little videos, now I find out they're reinventing AM-radio and charging $15 for the privilege.
Think of all the things they could charge for:
This blog, Spellcheck as an addon, Color, Stereo sound.
Hi-res pictures (you bought that monitor to use it to watch hi-res, now pay for your transgression.)
I slept through most of Laser-discs, and All of Blu-ray, I can survive without podcasts.
I shall now attempt to find a damn podcast, an obscure one, just to see if they work.
Because if they do, and they're better than "Media Player" or youtube or MP3's, um,
Geez, You-all just love them,
and you with your 32 gigs of memory.
So ok.
(O wait, that's an mp3.
Works great, though)
Remind me someday to ask,
what dot-net is.
Not a language, not an IDE (like visual studio) It's a framework.
A what???
I have no frame of reference.
Seriously, wtf??
If it's a framework, why does it get updated so often?
A framework sounds like a set of rules, like some constitution. Or, is it just some library? Please speak more plainly.
So it's the same, but different. A new paradigm (I don't know any buzzwords besides "Paradigm") your language. Use vs leverage, paradigm vs program, Framework vs package (that you buy) It's all in the verbiage |
"Office" is both a paradigm and a framework that people "leverage" to inculcate.
There. FU-RIO

It must be such a thrill to be in the AV department, setting up the sound system in the auditorium.
"Testing 1,2,3" instead of just tapping the mic.
Or doing your first few podcasts.
"Hi, and welcome to whatever" in your thick accent.
How many times they gotta test it?
Testing 1,2,3
o, that felt good. Or it was supposed to.
(Not for nothin' but they deprecated the shit outta the above, making an easy procedure in previous HTML versions, so hard it's nearly unreadable.If not for a site you can paste attributes from, the above wouldn't work (if it even worked at all on your browser)"border-color: #FF0000; border-style: solid; border: 13px solid rgb(255, 0, 0); font-size: 50px; padding: 1em;"
and...the horse they rode in on (I forgot)
If you only fart, should you flush? |
THISunsung hero tried to explain it, and failed, but your opinion may vary.
He's way too specific for me to grasp the concept, and makes a misstatement (I think) about code I've written in the framework on the server, and me being a client with no access to the framework at all.
If you trigger something, YOU(r code) is the caller, unless maybe you flirt so brashly with the framework,
using perfume, makeup and lashes, that the framework cannot help itself calling you.
The framework makes calls to your code (Because someone told it to call)
but your code makes calls to the Library.
Libraries mostly sit gathering dust and reading romance novels, until someone calls.
They'd never call *you*.
If they said that
- your program, the entire executable, all whole and complete, would not work at all without a library, and this keeps executable files relatively small
- your program might use the library to call up a paradigm for a properly formatted action-message to the framework, and the framework knows how to respond Beeee cause, the library has told it how.
- The framework sends a digital response (all scrambled and full of biggie words) and your library tells you(r program) how to interpret the response.
("phhht Heeello??)
("BEECATA") - so them calling it a framework instead of shared library's is a choice of linguistics and salesmanship.
Then I kind of get it;
This is being typed in the framework of english, so I could quote inspirational stuff, or mostly-unreadable stuff, to persuade.
If this editor answered me with an error message (it just did) it uses the framework of english couched in verbiage.
My typing comes from the library in my head, and the framework (OK, I officially got lost, WHY do I need a framework, but even if you persuaded me that I did, WHY is it updated monthly??
How could an older program work with a new framework?
So confusing.
I'm done here but I had one more ROTD to add.
You're the girl with the short tweed skirt, crossing the quad, and you see a handsome guy standing next to a table.
He's a website advertising something you saw and were initially interested in, maybe for the things on the table (you would like to know the reason for the table and the pretty things it has on it)
Mr. High-pressure sees you as a sales target, and requests that you fill out a form (mostly who you are, where you live, and which other tables you stopped at recently)
They've automated this process, such that every site you visit does this, not all are high-pressure (most are)
And .net is helping those sites, with the ultimate goal of winning friends, influencing people, and making money.
"Making money" emphasized, big letters, underlined.
Whatever the technical reasons and obfuscating verbiage, it's to keep you from using games and products without internet-authorization,
and to (eventually) try to sell you stuff, or sell your identity and location and interests.
(the blatant example in the link posts mind-numbing statistics with dancing commercials and a close-up of a hot administrator) (
And I've got nothing against advertisements, but why do they need javascript, or (supposedly) dot-net??)
I clicked on what looked like an actress' face and she wasn't on the webpage, until I enabled Javascript.
So she appeared, saying people need shots, but a hundred commercials did as well. Now tell me again what dot-net is used for. (as opposed to curl, perl, javascript, etc)
Most people below a certain age don't care and proudly flaunt where they live and what they do, so it's all friendly and benign, but there isn't a whole lot of choice involved.
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