
Monday, January 31, 2022

Weird food


Sims 4 added a new buff, "Cucumber Power" which makes a person glow.

I'm currently making coffee.
What is the strangest thing possible to put into coffee?


(apparently you've all been there, done that, (*yawn*)

OK nevermind.

Pretty people (like the cucumber-lady) eat strange foods, the weirder the prettier.
Until it goes to their head and they start gossiping about how much you LOVE weird-eaters' looks.

There's another train coming along side, about Lotus eaters on a jungle-island. I've gotta go google the obscure movie now, but my initial impressions are, beautiful women live on an island sucking the life out of visitors.

Black and white, in a foreign language, it must be a critic's choice somewhere.


The movies I've found with that title have nothing to do with lotuses or eating . . .  

My film must be so obscure even Wikipedia doesn't know about it.

They should make more Lotus-eater movies.

Work hard, pay your dues, the morality police seem to say.

While they go off and get licentious

The problem with following trains-of-thought too closely, 
is that they are usually irrelevant 
and if they come up in anything other than your head, 
you become a target of derision. 

 Take for example the importance of your liver and glucose. 
Someone will stop you mid-sentence to harangue that the liver doesn't make glucose,
 to which you respond (following the train)
 that the gall bladder does not make gall, 
and a third person attempts to be witty and blurt that the pea is not one neither is it a nut 
(He meant to say "peanut" but got fouled up on the "pee" part)

"AST/ALT" is a blood-test people get paid to do, and it isn't relevant to anyone anywhere unless your liver happens to be dying and saying 
"Help meee!!"

Think of maybe a tuna cannery plant, which does not produce tuna

The AST/ALT is much more complicated and all it means is, your body is boring to doctors and they think you're saying "Yada-blah-blah" when you complain of your body not working right,
if your AST and ALT are both normal.
"Stop smoking, eat a cucumber, go away"

ast 12
alt 23

Fat guys in plaid shirts living with their mom in the garage are normal too,
I'm guessing.
The part about them being stoned and unemployed a lot of times,
Coincides with healthy organs that cannot get along with each other (for whatever reason.)
"High glucose? Jog!"
Dead health-nuts who extolled the virtue of weird vegetables, long walks (loooong walks)
Died horribly of incurable diseases....You're healthy until it's too fucking late.

Weird little tumors (I'm reading about them, "Gastrinomas") can grow and secrete acid, or cause acids to be released (I'm not through reading)

Taking antacids gets your stomach mightily pissed off eventually, and as soon as the antacids run out, hell follows in their wake (Yes, that's from a movie) but the part about how tumors are treated comes from Cedars (the above link)
and the "mightily pissed off" is formally known as yada-rebound.
Everyone stay away from the Tums! (way different quote)

A type of bacteria that acts like a mean gang can corrupt your childlike stomach, and when you get older they get really badass and look a lot like Danny Trejo or Ed Olmos.
Except they're not paid actors, they're bacteria and nothing can stop them (I haven't googled the ending yet)
The mythical blood-vessel in your brain hiding like the snake in the wall at Hogwarts...is a way different thing, would that we all could have such cool diseases. No, this mundane corrosive and eventually deadly thing is profitable and therefore inoperable
 (it's a pill-thing, not a surgeon-ex-machina thing)

This is from my head, don't quote me:
Your body heals itself, that's sort of its job, or rather the job of all the cells (And you employ LOTS of cells)
And the heavier the damage, the more the healing.
The workers get old and burned out, slap-happy and stupid after being on the job for so many years,
plans get lost, new ones are hastily drawn up, and cancer kills you eventually.
 And what does this have to do with acid indigestion?
How would I know, I'm no doctor. 

no,no,yes,no,no. Well, it was a thought.
"Don't call us, we'll call you"

next month, "Ascites," or how you flooded your body's basement.
A scan is supposed to detect Ascites, and it did, but they wrote it off as me drinking too much water before the test (Which I didn't do!)
The physical manifestation of ascites is a fat stomach.
The only thing I am unclear on is "why"

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