I did not know until right this exact second that Sims hates Bitlocker, and looks like a decrepit woman with a walker on one of those walker commercials.
"YMMV" as they say but MY game was coming out so slow it would have been playable, just barely.
Turning scrambling OFF made stuff normal again.
You are probably aware that, besides Sims being a very old game, part of it is installed on the scrambled drive, and most of it is on my unscrambled D: drive.
Meaning, windows was having a cow trying to run it.
WHY, how, what-if,
I will leave to better bloggers (tomorrow.)
A more complete but very opaque answer exists, at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/information-protection/bitlocker/bitlocker-device-encryption-overview-windows-10
It's complex |
For what it's worth (a lot, if you can read it)
Which says, (I think) there are
SED drives (self-encrypting)
EDrives (Encrypted drives)
and the difference is too subtle for me without more research.
SEDs are not the same thing as ...eDrive...however...not currently shipping eDrives |
Yeah but....the 970 pro can do either (can't it?) More software head-knowledge is needed.
It's like maybe those old TV's that were blang-ready but did not have blang.
(ahem) Wut? |
Having a SED drive is irrelevant, you WILL be assimilated:
The term "edrive" is hard to google, because google keeps thinking that you misspelled it, and like some nosy mom, changes the search.
And No one (yet) has pushed an EDrive model specifically.
That page on Samsung drives is dated or wrong, I'm not sure.
I seriously do not trust sites with many subjects (except this-here-blog, of course)
And I've found one that covers everything and the kitchen sink, so I don't trust it at all.
So here's my research criteria, unfulfilled.
If an SED is not an Edrive, what are the differences, which one is better, where do I buy it, how much is it??
Alla!! ESO es que digo. Que suave. |
These heavily edited entries start looking disjointed and repetitive; bear with me (or just stop reading now)
I think I must be hard on SSD's generally, I could start a little SSD-graveyard.
I'm somewhat of an authority on how SSD's get sick and get put out into the cornfield before they totally die.
Anyway... overprovisioning is a crock o' shit, it doesn't help fend off the reaper, but FWIW I currently have 89% overprovisioning...it should count for something.
Maybe I'll write it on the box/tombstone.
But the 3-years old (April 3, 2019) 970-pro is 100% working, for now. Why mess with it.
Plus (I've read) anything *past* 970-pro is a downgrade from mlc to TLC,
and plus, the 980 pro is tons cheaper (in price), and they (the freebie reviewers) are pushing a Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus they got free.
I'd have to (being poor) switch to TLC, and the almost-as-good "Sabrent" despite the reviews will go untouched.
But I'm being bombastic, apologies.
What I REALLY wanna know is, are there archived versions of the 970 pro still out there, and I'll edit this (maybe) if there are.
980 pro: 142 (
970 pro: 267 (
(NVM, just wondering)
Around a month after I wrote this, my 970 Pro has started to show signs of wear.
With cheaper drives I'd think it was sick, but with *this* drive and all the changes it has gone through, perhaps it's just crow's-feet around the eyes.
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