
Sunday, February 20, 2022


 A person measures their glucose, gets an injection, then eats.
Or they could just eat.
Or they could have an injection but feel like they just ate.
Or maybe they're curious what their level is, so they measure without eating or an injection.
"Fine," says the world generally, but I don't seem to always (100% for-sure) remember when I've had an injection, based upon my tested level.
It's high for two weeks, then suddenly it's precisely on target or just below.
Did I slip in an extra injection, I might never know, or is my body reacting well to a drug.
Or did I sleep exactly right.

This next bit might be more topical.
OK you don't see articles on google's front page about Thin-Man (wiry-guy, I'll edit this "Slender man") or Bigfoot, but every day you're bombarded with articles some believe to be true, but they say aren't.
Lotsa stuff might be true that isn't, or false because someone said it was. Why are you concentrating on one single subject?
OK two subjects, politics and Covid.
Kids younger than my lighter talk about "Thin man" Thin-something...
You saying stuff in a facebook page doesn't make it true.
But if you wanna end up on Google's front page, make shit up.
(OK maybe I missed the memo about the masterplan)

They should talk more about Slenderman, the Illuminati, what neo-nazis believe, and the old standards like UFO's and the Mormons

The Illuminati is NOT telling you to kill kids

Yesterday I'm reading about Robespierre and the Jacobins in early-modern France.
Now I imagine that somewhere a guy has named himself Robespierre, and somewhere else a group exists today calling themselves Jacobins.
It's tough arguing a point when you don't know if they're recreating stuff from a movie or a popular book, or referring to dead people.

 (That will probably get edited out, unless you understood that there's history, all crap and boredom, and all the recreated Neo-stuff.)

What was more of a Jet flying overhead than a train-of thought, what if Tucker and sarah, and Rupert and Madoff ("Bernie," "Bernie Madoff" (o nvm) all bought those truth-sites pontificating what's true and what isn't, wouldn't "Truth" be skewed? What is truth? said the famous evil-type administrator.
Bespoke(uhh) Trustworthy-looking
Google's front-page comes thru
("Full coverage")

This blog doesn't allow for footnotes, and I'm not sure you'd want any.

 (I'm pretty sure there were at least two) was probably a bad guy or a really badly counselled guy.
Evil wife, whorish daughter, etc.

in trying to be judicious he gets maligned more than any local leader in the history of the world (except maybe Jimmy Carter.)
And him washing his hands of the whole matter (of prosecuting Jesus) was taken as an affront to all of christian-mankind.
It's a footnote, but a related one I swear.
You cannot be agnostic about truth, you either believe their truth or yours, and yours is anathema to theirs (and it really pisses them off if you say otherwise)

gastrinoma (lest we forget)

Self righteous people who don't know they're being self righteous, blocking wide aisles, standing on street corners refusing to move 12 inches (or so) or  in cars righteously pissed they might have to steer around you 10 degrees, all this and more relate to the gastrinomas of society.
NVM, if you're self righteous you can bask in your goodness knowing it isn't You I'm remembering fondly in this cryptic little scrawl
So saith

and outdoors in a breeze, when your feet stand their ground self-righteously, in the bitter cold, for a long 90 seconds, you might get hit with a puff (or a covid-type thing)
and so it befalls vaping wretches, the degenerates of society, to apologize in advance for taking a puff
(Am I being a tad self righteous?) (Ahem!) (A-(freaking) HEM!!)

quid est veritas??
(or veritas quod est, or ...)

I'm not gonna carp on  quid vs quod, but
Fac Iterum!!!

So truth is an adjective, not a thing you can point to.
(Unless we're being all subtle and mystical)
τι είναι αλήθεια, it's all greek to me anyway

Imagine Pontius standing there, a politician ("Prefect,") wondering who to believe.
"What is [the] Truth?" Not some existential statement scholars would pore over for centuries.
I'd rather study "Alice in wonderland" and tweedledum and Tweedledee, contrariwise.

Patton's sermon about the Carthaginians and their war makes a really good footnote,
But I am severely unqualified, except maybe that some teachers in school make you learn briefly what the Punic Wars were and where Carthage was.
To save you tons of misery, "Carthage" is "Tunisia" And IDK who the Punic's were.
Where was GC Scott actually standing when he waxed poetic about Carthage?
I'll go look. 

So he wasn't in some drained-swamp in west-Virginia, next to plastic Legos, he was actually close to Carthage (Tunisia)

Thoroughly obfuscated per usual
Phoinix, Poenus, Punicus, Fucket, let's all say "Punic"

And Pilate and his minion Herod were on the opposite end, in a conquered and forgotten backwater town (I made that up but I'll bet it's true)

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