
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

many worded 2: growing grass and watching it dry


O, but that's not good enough for you, is it??
PCR7, Yer majesty.

"I wanted Rum Raisin, Take it Back" 
("they don't HAVE rum raisin, deeer (grr)")
"I don't like your attitude"

We don't care, none work, all are unworthy

In the extremely unlikely possibility that someone somewhere who matters reads this,
Please tell them to knock off the BS about PCR7 or write a doc that says how to enable it.

And I'm too lazy to keep looking for it.


AMD looks cute, except my monitor is for Nvidia.
So whichever drops in price, assuming they do, by maybe July.

 Useless unless I find this in 6 months and read it for the memories (good or bad)
I don't know if it's relevant but "Lapsus" is a word, and the word might mean lapse or slip, 
as in the one I just googled where Biden apparently said "Iranian" instead of "Ukrainian"
Which I attributed to my bad hearing since the closed-captioning said "Ukrainian."
I've got really bad feelings about speeches and debates, the state of hairdos and facial hair (republicans keep saying Kennedy won over Nixon because Nixon didn't shave)

a creepier feeling is why companies, really BIG ones, allow sensitive data to be online at all.
Maybe they don't have a choice?

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