
Friday, March 4, 2022

Command and conquer (I think)

 I bought a game for cheap, being able to use a couple dollars from steam as a discount.
It reminds me of a cousin who would build bases in an old game called "Command and conquer,"
and he was happy if the enemies all waited patiently for him to finish building before they attacked.
But if they attacked too soon, he'd be really pissed off and rant that the enemy was being unfair.

I modified the Automated robot to kill anything in sight instantly, which he thought was stewpid and unfair also.

So now there's this game where you build stuff, but I don't understand it yet, nothing is automated and I keep building at a workbench (holding down my spacebar for eternity)
while my dinky gun fends off monsters.
Why don't I get a bigger gun?
Why hasn't some unseen force told me how to build conveyor belts?
Where are the conveyor belts supposed to go?
Did I do my base wrong, is the foundation missing, will it all fall over soon?
I don't get it, it's boring, (so far,) exactly like command and conquer.
My kingdom for some decent cheats.

I don't get how this is fun yet.
I can cheat my way past tedium for a bit, and then hit a wall "smart plating."
Ah, fucket. Nice scenery though.
You'll be on the trashpile next month or so.
I've edited this entry til it's rotting, I HATE THIS GAME tldr

"That is everything you need to know about how to make Smart Plating in Satisfactory. Still looking for more help? Be sure to check out the rest of Twinfinite for all of your Satisfactory tips, trips, and FAQ."

 don't show me a lot of commercials and then say it's all I need to know.
No WONDER planes crash, no one knows what to do.
We covered this last week, before you were here.
You'll flunk now, 
Have a Nice Day

Sick kids, the president and my contract require me to harvest this Artifact.
I liked this part, anyway

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