
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Ble? A draft

Stouffer's small-family-size is $14-and-change at CVS and LARGE-family is the same price at the supermarket, but the supermarket seems to be pushing the "party" size.

Problem is, nothing over the small-family-size is officially microwavable. You have to switch to an oven.

Damn the torpedoes, I'll let you know if it was a disaster.

Damn commenters aren't helping, this is a commercial-product, not from some swanky restaurant, but they are disappointed. Too much oil, not enough cheese, it used to be better Yada blah. Just once I'd like them to say something useful like how to microwave it.

This is a draft written on my phone because of the power shortage while the microwave is running.

For reference: large family-size (3 lb-9oz), 1250 watts (allegedly),

10 minutes high,17-minutes @40% (it seems OK but too hot to eat yet.)

The PC is back but I've nothing to add. I'll prolly drift into a rant later. (When I've been fed) EG "I'm a favorite son of Don Romano Formaggio" or would that be too cheesy.

"It was ... Perfection" says some guy (Louis Jourdan in "Gigi"?) in a movie. If you ever see it, which you won't, you stream stuff, right? (Un-googleable link TBA)

(how can we profit, how can we profit, howcanweprofit...)

Anyway, yeah, I was lucky this time.

(beeeeecause, the normal "family size" with the instructions for Microwave printed right on the box, came out overdone on the edges, although it was good otherwise)

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