
Thursday, November 3, 2022

RPG (in hell)


Some guy said "Outward" was good, but most reviewers think it's boring.

"mass effect", my current game, is really boring beeeecause, it won't tell you what to do, where to go, and your advisers/companions are silent as mummies.

No, you need to google your game chapter and follow the very non-intuitive walkthrough.

"Go to the room ABOVE the room you are in, to kill the robot" (why?)

"To disable the security to steal the artifact to get the ticket out of this hellhole to continue the mission (which was, uh, ????)

You don't command armies, rather a few alien women with missions of their own.

Nope, I hate it.

"Go to the front door without waking the guard, slowly excape, travel down the trundly hill with mucho potholes, don't fall and die, and travel somewhere (?) to pick up the pack of smokes and a satisfying burrito"

No one tells you WHICH direction to travel, you guess and probably die from exposure before you learn the route ,,,, I was trying to be as realistic as possible but I bored myself to death.

Pleeeeez, let me happen upon an interesting little game where you get a break from strangers on missions and bad things trying to kill you.

Laura Croft??? (It's the only name I know)

https://gamerant.com/realistic-open-world-games/ (which I will read now, because I like the title, but we shall see. )

so uh, hmm not insane thieves and hackers and school-kid-killers and players on political missions from the Party (or God) as coplayers.

overweening blowhard cowboy types enforcing their laws or their lawlessness on others, is usually why I hate westerns.
But "Maverick" and "Paladin" are enjoyable, so maybe "Red dead Redemption 2" will be as well, if I ever get the will to plunk down $60.
Meantime, there are movies I can stream.
(I like movies)

I totally resent the current rendition of "Alice yada whatever" being denigrated (The link  is from the 1933 (or so) version)
Because it has too many visual fripperies.
Too many Fripperies??!!  
Would you ban lace
The window in Notre Dame?

A person in the link decided, all on their own, to make commentaries of every "Alice" movie ever made, and that would be the other side of madness.
Enjoy the picture of a table with WAY too much food, because it's there, do not pick apart every single grape.
Blowhards Bombasting

My next movie (I think) will (might) be,
"Once upon a time in Mexico,"
Visually superior and yet incredibly ugly in parts.
But you'll never catch me commenting upon every missing eyeball.

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