
Monday, December 19, 2022

Xmas Doodads copay

 You can skip this one, not being diabetic nor having a need to check your sugar.
I was sent the dexcom G6 system, but not from a benefactor, 
but an overeager pharmacy. Now I owe them.
Then they sent me sensors in a real plain box, 

so I opened it to my regret, 
because now I have to pay for them 
(No tape-backsies, plus I used silver duct tape.)

Along with all the expensive stuff, a "Transmitter" is needed, one that dies,
no matter what,
every couple months.
I actually did order this transmitter, being told the copay was nothing.
These guys "drop ship" as near as I can tell,
from a warehouse that orders from Dexcom.
$720 on a regular basis, it's cheaper for me but
Why the wide variation in price?
Who sells them reliably, for less?

O really?
I feel stupid, stuff I never really wanted is on my list of things I need to pay for.
My regular prescription list is so high that the raise in social-security wouldn't cover it.

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